"...." His superior was silent. [i]Maybe I'll try another time[/i] Luke thought as they approached the village. On the way there, the light from the fire had been getting smaller and smaller, the smoke no longer breaching the clouds in the atmosphere. [i]The locals put it out pretty fast. The people of Sord couldn't possibly take it out that fast with only buckets of water. Unless an Undine user was awake during the incident.[/i] Luke began to ponder on why someone would attack a Sect temple. The death of his father made him want revenge, but he couldn't do something like attacking a temple. [i]That's not something he would want. I only need to find out why...find the Truth..[/i] "I'm going ahead." Luke said and brought his hood down so he wouldn't look suspicious. Quickly running through the small buildings, Luke halted on a nearby rooftop. There were a small group of people by the temple remains and also a masked figure running towards the situation. [i]Couldn't have been him.[/i] Luke thought as he took in his surroundings. [i]Why would the arsonist run back towards the temple? Well, the culprit always returns to the crime scene.[/i] There was also two knights approaching the small group of people. He couldn't help but get involved, the situation was very interesting to him. Luke brought his cloak up and leaped from the rooftop and landed in an alleyway nearby. [i]I shouldn't let them know I'm a Zenterr knight. Being in Sord and all.[/i] As Luke approached the group, with his hood down to not raise suspicions, and listened to what the knights were saying to them. Now that the local law enforcement are involved it probably wouldn't be best to get involved. However, he was already walking towards them and would look stupid to just walk away. Overhearing their conversation, Luke could tell they were having some difficulty with having the knights to leave. He quickly came up with a statement to have them leave. "Yes! We need to find the person responsible for this tragedy!" The red-haired boy did his all to make a convincing face. "Can't you see they're putting out the fire? It couldn't have been them!" He wasn't giving the authorities any time to speak. He hoped to convince them to go search for the arsonist. "There are two of you, so you guys could split up and look for the man responsible."