Name: Peyton Rivers Age: 20 Personality: Peyton holds a tough air for herself. She's not easy to penetrate, and she never cries. Any emotions she ever shows is greatly exaggerated just so she doesn't seem emotionless, or maybe so her real emotions wont show through. She can be highly sarcastic ad very blunt with people. Idiocy is not something she can have patience with, especially when under great stress, like this whole situation has done. She isn't easily forgiving, and she has a strong drive. Almost too observational for her own good, she is someone who people feel like they can turn to when they need it, and she does. As much as she is tough, she has her soft spots. Animals are one of those weaknesses, being a vegetarian before the walking dead began arising. She is a protector and she is loyal, she will stand by who she trusts one hundred percent. Appearance: [img=] [hider=More] [img=] [/hider] Background: From a family of five siblings and only a father, she knew a suburb outside of the city as her home. She only had one other sibling who was a girl, the youngest, leaving the rest of the house filled with boys, which had a big impact on Peyton as she grew up. She was never afraid to get down and dirty, she learned to defend herself and fight back. The basic sexist lessons parents usually taught their daughters never applied to her, and she grew to be someone who wasn't afraid to speak up and be who she was. Throughout school, friends were sometimes a problem, since their weren't many who could handle her forward way with words. In high school she met a few people who were similar to her and stuck around with them. Honesty became her number one rule to getting along with her. After she graduated with a decent enough grade, she moved on to college with an interest in literature and creative writing. It was during her second spring semester that the zombies started to surface. Her two older brothers who were members of the military were never heard of after the main government officials ditched the country. Her father claimed it was something to keep them safe from people going after them for information on their whereabouts. It didn't take long for the rest of their family to get split up. With her father's bad leg, he was turned quite quickly in quick escapes. The rest of her brother skipped out, her sister too. That leaves Peyton all on her own. Weapon of choice: Hunting Knives Hometown: Philadelphia