[I]The guard captain read loudly from the yellowed scroll, each sentence was very familiar to him, for he had read this scroll many times before. Before him was a massive well, a pit filled with darkness that lead into the mountain, a cursed passage to a hellish place. The men across from him; bruised, weary and bound in irons, listened in silence. Some looked at their feet, some even cried, and others faced their fate with dignity, watching him read with calm, emotionless faces. “...You are pardoned of your crimes.” The captain finished. He lowered the parchment, and nodded to the guards standing behind the prisoners. The captain watched the guards release the prisoners from their bindings before suddenly shoving each of them forward. Each man let out a surprised shout or terrified scream as they stumbled forward, plummeting into the darkness of the well. One managed to catch himself, grabbing the stone ledge with his hand. A guard stomped on his hand with a heavy boot, and the captain could hear the bones in his hand shatter. The man screamed in pain before disappearing below. The captain’s eyes lingered on the pit he knew those “free” men would never return from, and he turned away only when someone addressed him. “Sir, the next group will arrive shortly.” The guard said.[/I] --- This roleplay is a fantasy roleplay based upon the games Legend of Grimrock and Path of Exile. The PC’s are convicted criminals that, to survive and earn their freedom, must fight their way through the mountain dungeon of Stonehold. The dungeon is inhabited by all kinds of monsters, and traps, and has killed all those who have attempted to pass through it. The RP will have a slight focus towards combat as it is essentially a long dungeon crawl, but should have a large amount of character interaction, as they must work together to survive. Useful Information: Magic: Magic is rather common, and many creatures have learned to wield the powerful force. Magic comes in a variety of forms, from enchantments to curses to elemental attacks. However, using magic is a very draining task, and casting spells can be costly for a mage. Each spell cast drains the caster’s energy, slowly weakening them until they rest and regain their strength. Very basic spells such as creating light or launching a magic missile can be cast with very little fatigue. The more powerful the spell, the more draining, while some just cause a caster to simply pass out. A caster’s mastery of magic also determines the adverse effects of spells, with more skilled magic users able to cast more powerful spells with less negative effects. Healing spells also exist, but they are extremely draining to use and the caster is generally exhausted and weakened after using one. Magic Items: Weapons, armor, and trinkets enchanted with arcane power will be found throughout the dungeon be the characters (generally from bosses and hidden treasures). They are often far more powerful than mundane equipment, possessing useful and strange abilities. These abilities can be revealed through use and experimentation, or using Scrolls of Wisdom. Scrolls of Wisdom: Scrolls imbued with a powerful magic. The scrolls can be used by anyone able to read its writing. When the scroll’s arcane words are read aloud and an unidentified magic item is chosen as target, the user’s mind is filled with knowledge of the item’s enchantments. Potions of Life: Potions of life are glass bottles containing a dark red liquid that, when consumed, heals wounds, mends bones, and dulls pain. The potion is reusable, able to be refilled by absorbing the life forces of living creatures. When a creature is slain nearby a Potion of Life, a small portion of the potion is refilled. Character Sheet Name: Gender: Race: (Mostly basic fantasy races: humans, elves, orcs, etc.) Archetype: Age: Appearance: What do they look like? Personality: What do they act like? Background: What has happened in their life? How did they get here? Skills: What are they good at? Sword combat? archery? singing? thievery? etc. Magic: (Ignore if they do not use magic) What type of magic do they specialize in if any? Are they a novice mage? Skilled mage? etc. Equipment: Nothing except for some ragged clothing or useless trinkets at first. Will be updated often as gear and supplies are acquired. So, anyone interested in something like this?