(( Alright, so this has a lot of unlikely things in it xD I know that the leader looks pretty young, but she's 29. As it explains it's all a big game to her, and her reasons for calling herself a Sith Lord aren't really that clear. Other things are similar such as how she has two apprentices who are both older than her and seem to be more powerful than her. Yet, unlike the usual Sith ways, they don't seem to care for killing her and taking her place as Sith Lords. If it all seems to silly and unlikely I can change it. )) [center][img=http://th05.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/041/d/8/black_lantern_corps_insignia_by_superman3d-d4p85wo.png][/center] Organization Name: Black Hand Profession: Droid Construction and Mobilization Affiliation: Sith, or so they claim Leader(s): Bell Thorn (Self-Proclaimed Sith Lord, Self-Named Darth Thorn) [hider=spoiler] [img=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130812223342/finalfantasy/images/8/82/LRFFXIII_Lumina_Render.png] Age: 29 History: Bell was originally a rather normal girl. She was 9 when the Clone Wars ended, and 9 years later she left home to go on her own little adventure. Her adventure ended quickly as she got herself into some trouble with pirates, who captured her and planned to sell her off as a slave. The ship was attacked before they could make their escape however, and Bell was freed. Her rescuer turned out to be a Sith, and the pirates had captured some of his soldiers. When he found Bell he freed her, and took the young girl on as an apprentice. After all, Sith did not so eagerly turn people away for their age as the Jedi did. Bell became strong in the force, and in five years she considered herself quite powerful. Powerful enough in fact to no longer need her master. She wasn't about to try and kill him though, she didn't feel such action was necessary. Instead she left without giving any reason, and continued her adventure from years before. She now proclaimed herself a Sith Lord, and after a few displays of her power in some random cantinas in Outer Rim worlds she managed to catch the interest of enough people to lead a small group. Seven years later Bell, now known as Darth Thorn still considers herself a Sith Lord, though she doesn't do what would be expected of someone who claims they are such a thing. It's all just a game to her, and she can't wait to see what happens next. Personality: Bell is very immature most of the time, but far from trustworthy. She will kill without a moments notice if she believes somebody means to do her harm. Otherwise, everything is one big game to her. She claims herself a Sith Lord when her power doesn't really match up to the title, and her apprentices far outmatch her in power, or at least so it would seem. She is like a child playing with toys when she commands her droids. Nothing is ever really a failure to her, just another event in her game. She doesn't usually care for the war between others. Most would likely consider her crazy, but her enemies soon find her to be quite the schemer underneath those layers of childishness immaturity. [/hider] Persons of Importance: Sith Inquisitors Alkore and Genovath, apprentices of Darth Thorn Military and Civilian Assets: 2x Lucrehulk-class Battleships 1x Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship (Less firepower than the battleships) 5x Providence-class Carrier/Destroyer 2x Stations Converted Into Droid Factories 1x Shipyard 1x Mobile Mining Rig C-9979 landing craft Tri-Fighters Vulture Droids Droid Gunships B1 Battle Droids B2 Battle Droids Droidekas Hailfire Droids Persuader Droids Armored Assault Tanks Various other Droid Machines such as Boarding Craft [Hider=Brief History:] The Black Hand was formed by self-proclaimed Sith Lord Bell Thorn. With the power to support her claim, she gathered a small group of supporters who, after the loss of the Emperor, looked to her for leadership. After all, not everybody was loyal to the Emperor because of fear. The group was lead through the galaxy on a sort of treasure hunt that Bell was sure they would find. It took them a few years, and many people gave up and left to find other leadership. Finally however, the group stumbed onto a massive find. A lost Banking Clan Treasury Station, as well as two heavily damaged Lucrehulk-class Battleships, all forgotten in history after the clone wars. Bell, or Darth Thorn as she named herself, was confident in the usefulness of these relics. Within the vaults of the treasury station was loads of lost credits that were never reclaimed after the war ended, and many other supplies. The station, like so many others of its kind in the Clone Wars, had been refitted into a shipyard as well. Bell ordered the station as well as the battleships to be repaired, and the Black Hand set to work immediately. In time power was restored to the battleships, and they were slowly repaired into fighting shape. Using droids to rip every bit of data from the ship logs, the group discovered the locations of some other assets they could utilize for their own interests. They spread out to find them, hunting relics of an old war in hopes of finding something great. Most of the logs were out of date unfortunately, and they lead to either nothing, or ships that were nearly completely annihilated. One group however, returned with the coordinates of a far greater prize than they had imagined. A deactivated Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship, as well as two space stations capable of being refitted. The Black Hand secured the ship and tore the stations apart to haul them in pieces back to where they were making their base in the Outer Rim. The bases were reconstructed, and refit into factories. With schematics from the Droid Control Ship, they set the factories to work, creating the battle droids that the confederacy had used in the Clone Wars. Darth Thorn was not pleased with the results however. She heard stories of the droids being less than useful, and they turned out to be right. The average droid that was being created had far too much free will and didn't think like machines. They thought like... idiots. Bell had her people hunt through the ship logs again, getting all the schematics for droids they could find. They found the schematics for the Super Battle Droid, and again attempted to create machines with the factory. Darth Thorn was very pleased this time, as the Super Battle Droids were much more competent and powerful. Heavily armored and with more firepower than a squad of average soldiers, this was her army. What followed was born of the cruelty that could only come from the Sith. The Super Battle Droids marched on their creators, killing Black Hand loyalists as they moved from ship to ship. Only three organic beings were spared. The droids reached what had become a throne room on the Droid Control Ship, and halted their assault. Only their master, Darth Thorn and her two apprentices remained. And that was exactly how she wanted. Darth Thorn did not trust living beings beyond her apprentices. She claimed that they were all likely to attempt to kill her to claim her power, while droids were programmed to follow orders and had no choice. Her apprentices were loyal to her goals rather than most Sith who were loyal to a promise of power, and were like brothers to Darth Thorn. The droids were set to work to create more droids, and soon she had an army. Droids worked the factories and created more droids, and the droids worked the shipyard of the Banking Clan Treasury and created Providence-class Carriers. More types of droids were created from Hailfire Tanks to Vulture Droids. It was the rebirth of the confederacy, droids who answered only to a Sith Lord. This was different however. Droids were painted pitch black with only the silver symbol of the Black Hand on them. They acted as guards to the fleet, and the fleet didn't seem interested in moving against anyone. For years the fleet has sat in the Outer Rim, and for years the self-proclaimed Sith Lord has waited for something. Many would say she is a false Sith, and that she not only does not follow the Sith ways but does not hold the power of a Sith. Others would say this Darth Thorn is a crazy child playing war with a bunch of outdated droids. But everyone would agree, that she's not to be trusted. The Black Hand is as devious as they get.[/hider] Other: The Black Hand has only 3 organic members. Everything else that makes up their military might is battle droids of all types from ground units to huge battleships. The fleet moves as one and has never made a direct attack on anyone, keeping to themselves for the longest time. Nobody can doubt the power of the fleet however, as just the two battleships under their command have enough firepower to take on a sizable fleet.