Name: William Kendrick Age: 16 [url=]Appearance[/url] Bio: William was born into a wealthy family in the Kingdom of Sorenaye, and didn't see the outside world until he was 10 years old when his uncle took him out to go fishing near an isolated lake uninhabited by the Draconides. It was on his journey to this lake William saw for himself the state of the outside. It frightened him, he could not understand why these people were living in such poverty and desperation. It was this day he was determined to do what he could to help the people on the outside. William would continue to venture outside discreetly, giving out what food and money he could to the people, but it wasn't enough. He soon realized he would have to escalate these secret deliveries. Over the next few years William developed a bond with the people of the outside, and eventually spent more time out there than inside. He became a friendly, helpful, cheerful young man who's goal was merely to improve the state of the outside. William ambition led him to work hard in school, practice sword combat, archery, cooking, trading, and in his own spare time, the art of stealth. William had a goal in sight, and that was to develop a secret militia of thieves and warriors from the outside to improve the economic state through drastic means, and increase the defenses against the Draconides. Other: William keeps his affairs with the outside a secret to his family, except his uncle, Francis Kendrick, who supports Misha 100%.