Looking for a GM for a World of Darkness type game. Intro Hi, I'm Alexandar. I was introduced to World of Darkness by a friend so I'm still very shaky on a lot of the rules/abilities/just the general norm of the world so good news is that if you want to take a few liberties with WoD setting and rules not only will I probably not care, I won't even notice the difference. With that being said that also means I'm a total newbie at this, expect lots of questions from me (either in or out of character) as I try to make sense of the world. The reason I'm requesting a GM is because my friend has dropped the RP......without warning.......after I've finally created a character that works in this world. A character that I've already bounded too and I don't want to end up collecting dust. So I'm looking for a GM to take up the reigns and continue the story. The first post/setup is already done, I know for some of you that might be a turnoff, but I only include it because it had such meaning and feeling/in my opinion, and just really fleshed out the character in one post. Still I believe I've left more then enough room for the GM who wants to take over this game to put in his own mark and touches. What I'm looking for 1. No text talk, I'm not a grammar Nazi but I need to be able to at least understand your post. And descriptive posts are always nice. 2. Consistent updates. Now I'm not saying you have to update every day, god knows I'm not going to be available every day myself but if were at a scene where I'm talking to someone trying to get information out of them I expect us to be able to finish that scene in one or two sittings/days. It shouldn't take us over a month to finish a conversation. Ex. Me: "Hey have you seen this person before?" *One week passes before GM responds* GM: "Yea, he was here last night." Me: "Did you notice if he was here with anyone else?" *Another week passes before GM responds* GM: "Nope." I think you guys get the picture. 3. Flexible GM, the GM I'm looking for should be open to player suggestions or requests. As writers I know we all have a vision for our story but I also have a vision for my character so I want someone who will be able to work with me so that both our visions come true. 4. My GM should seek to challenge but not destroy me, he should not see this game as me vs. him but rather a story we're working together to write. His puzzles should force me to think, but I should have all of the tools and hints I need to figure it out, and be able to acquire more hints if needed or be able to take a penalty of some kind in order to get around the puzzle. My GM should be willing to kill my character, but only if I've truly screwed up and even then their should always be a chance for me to escape/surrender/retreat. Death should be used as a way to always keep me on my toes and prevent me from taking insane risks, but I shouldn't be constantly afraid of Death or feel that a single mistake will result in my character dying. 5. No horror, I know that's ironic for WoD but sadly I don't like the horror genre. I'm looking for a GM who would be open to playing a more action/adventure/puzzle WoD game and their WoD world should be more......hope filled then norm. ##### Well that's all, below I'll include my character Vivi's stats as well as her opening post/what my previous GM ok.