Name: Christopher McAllister Age: 29 Gender: Male Weapons: Revolver loaded with 6 Silver Bullets, 9mm, Blessed Combat Knife, [hider=Revolver][img=][/hider] [hider=9mm][img=][/hider] [hider=Blessed Combat Knife][img=!Combat_knife.png][/hider] Appearance: Christopher has his Revolver equipped in a holder on his waist, his 9mm strapped under his shoulder, and his Knife in a sheathe on his chest. [hider=Christopher][img=][/hider] Personality: Christopher is rather serious most of the time, due to his military background, and makes very few mistakes. Always focused and on task, but also confident in his abilities, and has a sense of humor. Christopher can be sincere, friendly, and has a lot of emotions built up inside, but accessing these emotions is nearly impossible. He is very affectionate, but will rarely to never show it, and may even be cold at times, simply to drive away these emotions, even so, Christopher will go out of his way to help his friends and teammates, and ensure their safety. Bio: Christopher grew up in an orphanage, and has no idea what happened to his parents, who went missing a year after Christopher was born, and are presumed dead. Never being adopted, Christopher joined the Military at 18, and served for 5 years until recruited by the CIA as a special agent. This job took Christopher all around, he is fluent in Russian, French, German, sketchy when it comes to Arabian. Although Christopher was well above average when it came to his job, he retired early, to seek answers about the disappearance of his family. Christopher knew, for a fact, that his families disappearance was tied with the supernatural, and so was Christopher. It was in his blood. When Christopher was 16, he had been sitting outside the orphanage he lived at around 8pm, unknown to Christopher, his body had matured enough to sustain a power passed down for generations, and his first transformation occurred, fortunately, with no witnesses. Christopher inherited the power of Lycanthropy. Transforming into a werewolf against his own will for the very first time, Christopher sprinted through a nearby forest, astonished and filled with a sudden rush of adrenaline, but soon passed out and awoke in the middle of the forest. With time, Christopher learned to control these outbreaks, and even call upon them at will. So far, these are the only supernatural situations Christopher has experienced. So far. Other: Christopher is a dog person.