Sam's hands moved and his wrists twisted as he walked down a dirt path toward the next town. Wearing nothing but a simple tunic and ragged pants, his feet marched one right in front of the other, toe to heal, swaying ever so slightly so his clothes seemed out of place. There was a small skip in his gate, a gentle, lilting and happy gate. His face was rather emotionless despite the way he dances while he walked. Some random passerby would think the site almost unworldly, some peasant looking man carrying a large bag and dancing his way to the next town. [i] "Aaaa, Honezv ah jabc, Cnezi am uc, Jeyi uc vauw zehi, Ba map puwm orov hwan uc Ri miib vau mar Ca cnezi am uc." [/i] He sang a rather haunting melody, an old Naeri prayer. The air around him would seem rather thick to anyone who would walk right up to him because of the way his voice worked with his magic, but you'd have to be paying attention to even notice the change in the air. He wasn't some great Mage, but the little magic he had made it seem like his singing could charm a dragon by itself, but of course it was his magic that made it seem that way. Sometimes he thought maybe he didn't have magic and his voice literally stirred the life in the things around him, but that idea was rather arrogant. He was pretty sure he could simply speak and nature would bend ever so slightly, but he didn't try it, to do so would take away the mystery. He liked mysteries. After awhile he saw the town and his gate went from his dance to a light run. His stomach growled and he wanted to see if he couldn't glean some new songs or stories from the town bard. The bard in this town was named Cun'Niv (Soon-Neev) and was of some exotic Elven race up north. His skin was grayish purple and his ears seemed pointy enough to impale a small bird. Sam thought the man was very odd to look at, though he was sure Ol' Cuni (as Sam called him) was handsome to the women of his race. Sam saw the old Elven creature playing a wooden flute on the corner of an inn as some little girls out on errands watched him in wonder with their big, youthful eyes. Sam snickered rather loudly and it seemed like Cun'Niv caught it and he skipped a note on his song as if he had just coughed up some water he had been drinking. Cuni's eyes lifted up to Sam and stood waiting for the rogue to make a greeting. The little girls figured soon the song was over, and took off in a hurry, giggling madly at Sam as they passed the disguised Naeri. "You again, how long has it been Sam, four months? A year?" Questioned Cuni, putting his flute away in a bag at his feet as his eyes stared down Sam. Cuni's eyes were large and black, with dark grey irises. Sam smiled mockingly. "About a year Cuni, your town wasn't too kind last time I was around, shame, it's one of my favorites." He said, referring to how he often stopped by this town in the past at least twice a month. He had earned quite a reputation in this one, "What do you expect Sam? You stabbed someone in a bar fight and sang a garden in the middle of town to show off to some kids." He groaned, rolling his eyes at the rogue. "Hey, that Garden took an hour to sing, and it wasn't even a yard wide. Those were the prettiest damn Lillie's this town has ever seen anyway." Cuni snorted, "I suppose they were. What is it you're here for anyway?" He inquired, walking away and motioning for Sam to follow. "Oh nothing, just looking for some stories." He said, following Cuni with a trollish grin. In truth, Sam was looking into an occurrence that happened when he was fifteen, He heard Cuni might have some information.