[i]'Don't worry, the monsters won't get us here.'[/i] He flinched under her touch, but after a few moments relaxed. Floretta was nice- and she didn't try to hurt him. Since he finally decided to be comfortable around her, he decided (after thinking over and over) that he would talk to her again. At least, he would try to talk to her again. Then he just decided instead that he wouldn't shy away from her when she approached. Listening to her try and say competition, made him laugh softly. "You're English is funny." He realized that might have been rude, so he quickly apologized. Soon, they were coloring. He didn't know how a random girl named Floretta managed to get him to not only speak, but color as well, but he didn't mind it... It was kind of scary. What made the doctors even more interested was the fact that Davie would still shy away from other patients that approached the two or were curious to see what they were coloring, and yet Floretta was still able to sit and they were able to color together. Maybe there was some hope for the two patients... Maybe. "L-Look. We finished." Davis gave a satisfied smile seeing four whole pictures colored in. Instead of choosing between animals, they decided to just color them all. "They- They're really nice." He looked down at the pages before glancing at her. He didn't make eye contact for too long, but he did acknowledge her. "What... What now?" He looked around, seeing patients wandering, some like zombies, while others danced or played around. To answer his question, a soft ring sounded and the doctors started spreading out to the patients, helping those who needed it. "It's time to go to your room." A few patients said, walking past the two still on the couch. Davie over heard this and then blinked. "Oh, I think I have to- to go to my room now." It sounded like a little safe haven. Davie waited for the exit to clear out before he stood to leave. He didn't want to accidentally bump into someone while he was walking. "Um, bye Floretta." It was all he managed before he turned to walk hurriedly to his room. Davie was unsure if there would be some penalty to not going to his room, so he hurried. When he walked in, he looked around the small space and sat on the bed. It wasn't as soft as the one at home, but it wasn't too bad. "I...I want to go home." He frowned a little, wondering why he was sent to a hospital in the first place. He wasn't sick. The last doctor's appointment he had confirmed that he was pretty healthy. With a sigh, he laid on his side, hiding under the blanket.