Well, I'm looking forward to the OOC and CS going up. I think once someone has devoted a character to the ways of magic, we can have a more proper understanding and continue on the same page. Plus, as it has been noted before, not everything is going to be created to be fair. Some characters will work harder, others will be natural. The only realistic game is the game of life, and nothing ever goes as it is shown on paper. Archers, while typically depicted as lithe and agile, actually need a certain amount of strength to draw arrows (assuming compound bows aren't a thing yet) and use the bows efficiently. Fighters can range with all types of weapon proficiency and armor types, as well as different disciplines, so it is narrow to say that anyone that wields a melee weapon is rage-fueled and/or wearing plate. Finally, on the subject of magic, my preferred theme is to use a system similar to stamina. This has been mentioned already, that the stronger magic will be more draining, so to assume that a Mage has the upperhand simply because of this is faulty. Perception, endurance, willpower, and other mental faculties dwindle with the prolonged use of magic and could very well be disastrous if left unchecked, even self-destructive. I wouldn't say that it's something as simple as, "Oh, well, looks like I'm tired out. I'll go take a nap." My two cents.