[centre] [IMG]http://i42.tinypic.com/28vvpzk.png[/IMG] [/centre] He was awkward just like her. However, it was in a slightly different way. Her’s a paranoia thing well his. . . she wasn’t totally sure. He was either about to do something really bad, or he really didn’t know how to talk to a girl. Like those boys in high school that shunned and picked on for not being sporty and ‘good looking’. They’d go up to a girl of their dreams knowing they’d get shot down, but just had that little bit of hope. Now she was wondering if he was in high school. There were two in the area, but she hadn’t recalled him being at her school, then again after grade ten, she ignored everyone unless it was necessary to socialize. Now she thought she was just over thinking things. But that was nothing new with Carla. Always second guessing her second guesses. At least he seemed understand, or it was just part of his ploy. [i]Damnit Carla stop, just stop for two seconds.[/i] She thought to herself a small sigh leaving her lips as she finally looked away from his awkward smile as he told her, her discomfort was okay. She started to lead the way to where Hale would be picking her up. She pushed her hands into her pockets feeling the cool breeze of the sea rushing up off the waves and over the bored walk. When he brought up needing to be rescued, she almost shot him a witty remark before realizing this wasn’t Hale or Ash. She hadn’t stopped herself before her lips parted slightly a small awkward sound leaving her lips. As she walked he then pressed her lips together in a firm line. Her mind racing for the right answer to his statement. “No, I tend to scare them away.” She said, which is partly true. With her walls up, she became a very hard person to get close to. If she wasn’t shaking in fear, she got bitchy and rude. There really was no middle ground for her. So, to keep herself safe from the harms of crime and well drama normal people deal with, she just poured out all that negative energy to make people avoid her like she had the plague. Sure it was a little lonely, but it was better than hurting again. Before he had a chance to reply to her, he blurted out something a little freaky. It made her stumbled a little bit. Lucky for her she was able to catch herself before either A: face planting into the ground or B: falling into a car and setting off its alarm. She took a second to make sure her feet were planted well on the ground before glancing over at her follower as he walked in front of her. “Ah.” She paused not wanting to be rude after he offered to help her look around for money on the ground. “No. Too much bad and not enough good. No offence.” She said with a small shrug as she struggled not to frown to much. Fate was a bitch if there was one, but she wasn’t going to say that after he . . . he creped her out. Why was she being nice? Right he could always be ten years older and drunk. Crazy would work until Hale got there. As they finished walking towards the side walk, he kept just slightly in front of her. It was nice not having to look over her shoulder to check on him and well speak to his face. She would have easily tripped on the air and fallen. She was rather good for that. Lucky for her she was now sitting on the small curb right in the middle of the street light as she waited for her older brother. The small talk started and to keep herself from over thinking everything, she picked at her nails, before finally giving her name. When he said her name as to repeat it, it was a little weird. No a lot weird. She pressed her lips in a firm line as she glanced down the road as if looking for her brother’s car, but you could hear him coming before he got there. When she glanced back the small talk started. She sat there quiet, her fingers mindlessly fiddling around to half distract her. However, as she bite her lip, her mind wondered. Who lived outside out town where they could see the fairgrounds? Only that herbal lady lived out by those woods, but she was closer to the road and not the sea. There was a bar near there, but that was on the wrong side of the road. He was getting weirder by the moment, it took all of her power to not try and ditch him. She needed to wait for Hale to make sure when she did finally get rid of him, she would be safe. What if he really was crazy and being told to leave would make him snap. . . . she was doing it again. Finally moving her hands away from each other she brought them up to rub her face a little, she was tried, the thought making her yawn a little. She let her hand shift down from her brown eyes to mouth to cover it. “Sorry, long day.” She lied with ease before putting on a small smile. Where to start? People who rambled like that bugged her. Never leaving a moment for a reply. “Where do you live? I’ve lived here all my life and I thought only that herbal lady lived out there?” She questioned giving him the change to reply before noting. “Oh and about the fair, I guess it kinda is nice.” She glanced back only seeing bits of the higher rides lights the distances noise could still be heard. “But it lost its magic a long time ago for me.” She said before glancing aback. “Pessimistic I know.” She finished before giving him a small smile. “I’m being a total bummer aren’t I?” She said with a small and weak laugh before she looked down at her shoes again, before pushing her big toes together and then tapping them a little before glancing up at him again. Lucky for her, the conversation started to shift again. It was towards her, but it wasn’t a weird question. “Bad luck honestly. I work in one of the shop, my car broke down and my battery died earlier today. For my phone.” She finished before shrugging a little. “It’s why I had to call my brother, but he doesn’t always pick up, so if he didn’t I’d have to call a cab.” She finished before biting her lip a little and looking down the street again, a stronger breeze of wind blowing her hair into her face. She took a second to tame her hair before glancing back at the boy feeling awkward again. She gave a soft laugh, just one before she looked down at her feet again a small smile. “God I’m really bad at this. You would have had a much better time talking to someone else.” She said not to hurt him, but as a self hate for herself. There was nothing right in Carla’s mind about herself. She knew she was a mess and just made her way through each day knowing there was a good book and her family at home.