[quote=Ruby] Meaning, is anyone looking for a Bannerman? [/quote] Eh close enough. [quote=Ruby] Considering the action is focused on Daeron's Dorne campaign, Dorne/Stormland/Reach Bannermen might be best bets.Marcher Lords especially might be appropriate. It might also be one of the Great Lords not so close to the action has sent a force to Dorne, making the Bannermen rather important given the circumstances.In my history of the current House Stark, they've been fighting wildlings and Ironborn pretty consistently for a while now, and have gotten pretty good at it. (Lord Dorren Stark having been 'fostered' by the Mountain Clans, and always eager for bloodletting.) But since the Dragons took his daughter, he wouldn't be sending one of his own to do fighting. But would he send a mixed force under the command of one Bannerman? Yeah, probably. So in that circumstance, even though Stark is far from the action, it might provide some fun to play one of their Bannermen.I'm sure something similar could be cooked up for other Great Houses.As always with these games, lots of options. [/quote] Fair enough, I'll have a think about it.