Thomas Campbell. New to the school, new to the city. But still the same old life. He still went to school, and even if the school was different, it was still the same. People still acted the same. He could see resemblances to people in his old school here. There were the preps, the goths ,the emos, the jocks, and sexually liberal, the preps and the junkies. It was nothing he didn't already know. Most of the subjects were boring. They didn't appeal to the boy very much. Sure, he still studied, a lot, and he aced every test. He always smiled, because he was happy to be here. He was content with life. Even if this part of his life was.. Dull, at best. And there he was, at the end of the day at the football game. Sitting alone with his earbuds in. He didn't mind it. He didn't enjoy letting people get close to him. Because if they would, they would probably figure him out, and he didn't want any of that. He wanted to keep his lives separate. This wasn't Texas anymore. And since then, he had gotten more careful around people. Sure, he had been around the school since the start of September, and everyone weren't dicks. But it wasn't home. He wished he could've stayed home, with mom and Jason, well, of course, Jason were in Juvie, and Thomas's friends were gone. Micheal, Zach and Hanna were all gone. They had all gotten busted, saving Thomas's behind. He didn't like feeling the way he did today. He felt so.. Melodramatic. And it was annoying. Thomas scoffed at the players on the field, football was a fun sport, and all. And he didn't appreciate the fact that he couldn't participate. Partly because he'd hurt someone on accident if he would play, and partly because it was too risky. Bursting out wings in the middle of a match wouldn't be too great. Not to mention having people ask him about the scars that never seemed to fade on his back, but only got worse once every week. Thomas kicked into a ACDC song on his phone, as he decided to move up from his seat. He looked around, and saw the face of Roanna, his lab-partner in Chemistry, and one of the few people in the school he enjoyed getting along with. Of course, Thomas got along with just about anyone, he got along with the emos, the nerds, the preps and most of the jocks. He stood up against the bullies, and he taught people how to stand their ground. Many did like him, and Thomas did enjoy their company, too. But then again, maybe all this thinking was just the lack of action Thomas had been feeling for quite sometime. He needed to get out. He let out a smile and wave at Ro, before heading to the exits. He'd leave the stadium, despite it just being half-time, but he was so bored and he really didn't care how the match would end. Homecoming was gonna happen tonight, and Thomas needed to go get changed. He didn't have a date, even if there had been several of the girls, and even one or two of the guys whom had asked him to be their date. He had kindly given them a "I'll think about it". He was actually unsure if he'd even go to the dance.. He had better things to do, he thought. But he remembered that the number one rule was to not draw attention to yourself. People can't suspect a thing. Hiding in plain sight is how he'd keep himself safe.He shrugged. "Come on' Campbell. Cheer up." He thought to himself. He fiddled with his phone, and changed the tune to something more cheerful. Bowling For Soup, a group from Thomas's home state's music came up on the phone. Thomas would head out and get into his car, the blue Ford Pickup Truck, it wasn't fancy, and it was pretty old, but it was in good quality. The Texan drove home to his apartment, It was a 25 minute drive from school. Thomas was driving as usual, but he saw something odd at the side of the road up ahead. " What's going on?" Thomas thought as he slowed the truck down, and parked on the side of the road, a good 20 meters from the situation. A guy was being held by another one, while a third one was punching the young man, probably about thomas's age. 5'7, black short hair, red-hoodie on his body, torn jeans. Thomas walked towards them, causiosly, he could hear them talking now, shouting something like "You like that, huh? Fucking bastard" from the guy whom was punching. The guy being punched grunting and trying to break out of their grip. "Who sent ya?!" The guy punching said, Thomas now began walking rapidly towards the guy, Thomas dug into his pocket getting out the brown leather-mask he always carried on him, just in case. The guy drew a knife, and was about to stab the boy in the hoodie with it. The man with the blade drew the blade backwards. "Fine, I'll slice ya' up then, conjo!" The thug said as he tried to bring the knife down at the boy, only to feel a grip around his wrist. Thomas janked the guy's wrist to the side, as he punched him in the face, still holding the thug by the wrist. His partner was now distracted ,so the guy in the hoodie elbowed the second thug, hit him in the croch, and then kicked his knee in, before punching the thug out cold. The boy ran away before Thomas could even react. Thomas had a steady grip around the thug's throat, stopping him from breathing untill he'd pass out. Thomas would then go back to the car and get zip-ties and tied the two thugs up. He'd call the cops on his way back to the apartment. Some 15 minutes later, he'd arrive. Now he felt better. He couldn't explain it, but something about the adrenaline surging through his veins just.. Cheered him up. It was strange. "Maybe I should take up boxing." He said to himself as he opened the entrance to the He walked up the stairs and got into his apartment. He took off his jacket. And his shirt, hanging up the jacket and folding the shirt in his hand, he walked into the bathroom, kicking off his shoes in the hall on the way. He tossed the clothes he had been wearing into the "dirty laundry" bin. He had laundry day on Thursdays. He'd get undressed and into the shower, coming out five minutes later, drying himself off with the towel, he headed into his bedroom, where he'd get dressed. He had actually bought new clothes he for these kind of things. He put on a white cotton shirt, folding the sleeves of the shirt up to his elbows. He considered putting on the jacket, but he shrugged that thought off. The suit jacket wasn't very comfortable, or warm. The young man put the black leather belt to his waist, and then headed into the bathroom. He applied deodarant and a little cologne he had been given by his friends back in Texas "In case he had to impress someone". The bottle hadn't been opened till now. He sprayed little on each wrist, and then rubbed his wrists around his neck, since that's how he had seen others do it. He thought about shaving, by he had nothing more but a four o'clock shadow, anyway. Thomas got out of the bathroom and looked around. "Sigh. I still have like an hour and a half to go. You need friends, Campbell!" He said, with a chuckle, deciding to watch TV, there was an American Dad Marathon on one of the TV-Channels.