[quote=Bell] All that sounds fine, just keep in mind I'll not only be GM but I will have my own character as well. The only thing is this isn't just a quest based RP. There should be a story and a plot we follow adventuring around. I didn't mean being part of a guild like a bounty board. More like the quests they take send them out on long journeys, sometimes to the end of the continent. So if only one group is doing a quest then only one group gets to be part of that bit of the story. It doesn't seem fair to switch back and forth who can and can't be part of certain parts of the RP. In this way. People would miss half the story. Even with a recap of the quest, half the group still wasn't there and didn't take part in it.[b]What we could do... Is have two separate threads. One for each group, and they will each have their own story to follow. Could follow your idea here in that each group follows their main story through PMs while activities that involve everyone are based in the thread. Then the groups would be kept separate from one another, if that's what you meant.[/b] [/quote] I don't understand why we should have two separate threads when you agree to use PMs. My suggestion is to have one thread as the main guild and when a group goes on a quest, they move their rp to PMs. I don't know what you have planned but I think we ought be more lenient about the grouping. The reason I suggest PMs are because the groups could subject to change with character development and plots. Fixed group would make the RP boring in my mind. Each group could have their own story in their own quest. (Then maybe they could merge afterwards, if you want. For example, their quests overlap each other) Then each group brings their own tales of their adventures back to their main guild and tell their story in their own way, by boasting or something like that. I don't think a recap is necessary. It's more realistic that way and everyone is a main character of their adventures. After that each one of them goes on another quest with different people and so on. I think this has nothing to do with fairness and whatever. Everyone is unique and they choose which quest they want to take. However, that is just my two cents... If you want everyone to be involved in a main plot, then you might as well have everyone go on the quest together. That's easier.