Sariel, on the verge of going mad from her discomfort, silently sat in the first dry thing she's touched in the past hour; a sofa in front of a blazing, pleasantly warm fire. Her trip to Helsann's city hall was a miserable one, leaving her, from shoes to hood, completely soaked in rainwater. She hadn't thought to bring an umbrella, and using her telekinesis wouldn't have been worth the energy. As she took in the warmness of the fire, her figure cast a long shadow on the floor behind the couch, her undulating, red halo almost appearing "drawn", floating above her head. Strangely enough, not even the light from the flames pierced the shadows covering all that was in her hood. Sighing, the girl pulled one of her arms into her hoodie, and attempted to wring the empty sleeve out of any excess water. It was as she did this that the girl was approached by one of the many maids wandering around the room. Laying atop her hands was a plain, fluffy and white towel, which she held out to Sariel with a bow. Taking it, the girl nodded in acknowledgement. "Thank you." She muttered somewhat quietly, not wanting to disturb the current peace of the hall. She was enjoying the simple sound of the crackling firewood and murmurs of the staff around the room. Once her sleeve was simply damped instead of soaked, she put her arm back into it and grabbed the towel which she placed on her lap. Letting it flop on top of her hood, she let it sit there for a moment before actively drying herself off with help from the heat from the fireplace. As she did this, she took the time to shoot a glance at the large door behind her, across the hall. She was growing slightly impatient at the Mayor's absence, though she supposed she could take the time to familiarize herself with those who'd she'd be working with. With a small sigh, she returned to facing the fire, removing the towel from her head and letting it lay on her lap. With a small mumble, she lounged back in the seat. "I hope this doesn't take too long..."