[i]Surviving Sunnyhell OOC[/i] This is about everyone playing themselves and inserting them into Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Each player is given a house, and $10,000 into their bank to buy stuff until they get a job. Their trump card is that they have meta-knowledge from watching the show, and so the events are very much dependent on how long it takes for them to upturn the apple cart and what happens after that, and in what way the events will snowball. We are only on day two I believe, and the cat is well and truly out of the bag. So from here on in, things could get incredibly interesting. It will have crossovers with other stuff, but nothing excessive, or overwhelming. Initially it started off on another website, that eventually ran into lag issues and losing eight hour periods where posting was impossible, resulting in updates becoming slower and slower - as by the time I got back from work, it was already too late. As after much deliberation we decided to come here. Below are the linked threads. [i]Old Threads[/i] [url='http://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/can-you-survive-sunnydale-btvs.274387/']Inspiration Thread[/url] [url='http://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/can-you-survive-sunnydale-int-check.274480/']Old Int Check / Discussion[/url] [url='http://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/surviving-sunnyhell-ooc.279601/']Old OOC Thread[/url] [url='http://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/surviving-sunnyhell-ic.279603/']Old IC Thread[/url] [i]New Thread[/i] As such we will continue where we left off, and unlike a lot of other RP's on here, this focuses very much more on interacting between GM & Player, in the PbP sort of style. As such, assuming most of my players will be coming here, then this RP is temporarily full - until someone dies. Now this is Buffy, and could happen at any point. Knowing my players as I do, they are pretty point the paranoid and prepared type and obviously won't engage the enemy without superiority, in some way. So this is where we are currently. [hider=CS] Name* Age Gender Appearance** Strengths Weaknesses Skills Equipment *** House **** * please invent a name. note i do not want your real name here. ** please describe or provide a picture of someone that looks like you. note that i DO NOT want to see an actual piccy of YOU. *** anything you generally carry on your person. **** you all start out with one, and all your family are gone - just you alone. this can be hand-waved in the same way that Andrew's magic caused reality warping in sunnydale. so i want the major contents, or those worthy of note. so if anyone starts claiming they have some kind of arsenal it'll be denied out-of-hand. reasonable stuff is acceptable. for instance i have a martial arts background so i own several folded steel katanas which is okay and legal. someone saying they own four handguns, a shotgun and a m-16 is illegal. so context and realistic here please. as a result you are also given ten thousand dollars by ROB to ensure that you can afford to survive for a short while at least - you will obviously need to either get a job or some such.[/hider] Can all players re-post their CS, plus any editional items purchased during the course of the RP to date. Include in this your dminished bank balance.