Cassie held there tightly, her hands clinging so hard to the slippery rocks that it hurt. The ice cold water rushed around her legs, at some points even splashing up at her as if trying to knock her off of her safe hold, leaving her soaked to the bone. She was scared. Fear. Panic. It was an emotion new to her, yet sure she had felt before in her human life from its familiar way her body reacted. Her breathing hitching in her throat, her heart beating so fast in her chest it hurt. She was so scared. She just knew she was going to fall in. It was only a matter of second before she would loose her hold. But then she heard Lucien's voice, just a little ways above her. What he was saying was dangerous. If one of them slipped, they would both fall to their deaths into the frigid rapids. But, she knew there was no way he would leave her there, and if she fell, she knew with his unstable mind set at that moment he would follow her in if she fell. This was the only chance they had to both make it out safe. Even if that chance was slim. She felt sobs of fear racking through her chest as she struggled to pull herself up enough to grab onto his leg. It took even more effort to climb the rest of the way, making her muscles burn with effort. Her grip loosened a few times and she would slip again, only to try again, until she was nestled onto his back. She positioned herself there, trying to catch her breath, her arms tight around his neck, but making sure it wasn't tight enough to hurt him, "J...just like we used to..." This feeling did seem familiar, just more wet and frightening this time. She held onto him as he moved and as she rode on his back, whispered soft words to him, telling him everything was going to be okay, and that they would both get out of this safely. She wasn't even sure herself if those words were true, but she felt the need to say them to him and encourage him to keep going. Finally, she felt the incline begin to become less steep and gradually begin to become flatter. It wasn't until they had reached the safe spot at the top of the cavern toward the entrance that she slid off of his back, shivering, her arms wrapped around herself, so cold she felt numb. But despite this, she moved herself slightly to hug onto him, her grip light and weak, "D-d-don't [i]ever[/i] that....again. Please."