The Joker's happy whistling was interrupted by the sudden, quickly growing roar of a motorcycle engine shortly followed by shattering glass and a squeal of tires on cement as a figure smashed through a window of the warehouse and skidded to a stop in front of the Clown Prince of Crime. Steve Rogers, the man better known throughout the world as Captain America, grinned disarmingly at the Joker with his trademark shield in one hand as he slipped off his bike. "Sir, I believe I'm gonna have to ask you to step away from the large pile of dynamite before you get hurt. SHIELD Agents will be closing in soon and I think it would do you a lot of good to just cooperate with me. I can even put in a good word with the staff at Arkham, maybe get you a nicer straight jacket or less terrible food. This sort of thing doesn't always have to end with that fella they're calling The Batman dumping you off at the Asylum gates battered and bruised, so how about it?" Steve didn't really expect The Joker of all people to agree to come along peacefully for psychiatric treatment. He'd heard too much and seen too much regarding the kind of despicable villain he was; not to mention he'd seen too much of what kind of city Gotham was to believe that it would work. But still, the man was mentally ill, so he had to make the effort just in case. Not that he was letting his guard down for even a second. He almost expected The Batman to try and attack him for fighting crimes on his territory as much as for the Joker to pull some trick. But the explosives and chemical stockpiles had caught SHIELD's attention and Steve had always wanted to see what Gotham had turned into since he'd woken up, so here he was.