"Woop!" Mike cheered after he closed his windows "I got a knockback! This is awesome, my first skill is crowd control." he said. Then, a thought occurred to him "hey...I wonder if this can deflect projectiles too......that would be so awesome! Arrow coming straight at me? Energy Pulse! It's deflected. Oh man, I can't wait to level this baby up, and see how much more awesome it can get. Wait a second...if this is just my first skill......then how amazing are my future ones going to be!? Gah! I can't wait, this is all just so exciting!" Mike squeed "Oh man, I need to get work grinding...no, wait. It wouldn't be grinding, grinding isn't supposed to be fun. This, however, will be. Not only is this whole thing going to be fun as hell, but I'll be able to make my IQ soar by leveling up. Even if I never use my powers for anything but fighting monsters, that alone will make the rest of my life easier"