I'd say that E-Sec is Completely based on cyber crime with everything else being more or less leverage (Erika knows she's vulnerable physically and as such will employ a legitimate corporate body for her protection and for she need to get physical in her business have some enforcers she coerce to do the job, but then again I think The Sons will have the most fighting power and The Clan the most street smart as well as steady income from its own means). I think financially the GSP would have by far the best means to make money since Erika for insider trading can only spy on corporate e-mails or force people to give her insider information while Peter gets information as they come and thus doesn't have to be proactive. In the means to destroy money however, while the GSP has to do things, should I say, 'Manually' (Get codes from people, know things and so forth), Erika on the other hand steals the numbers, crack accounts, clones debit and credit cards which I think would be much more efficient than the ways GSP employs. In a war with the GSP for example I think that they could easily track the money she sends to the 4 corners of the world and use the fact that she remains vague on her identity to impersonate the inexistant owners of the accounts and drain them, on the other hand would probably seek to attract the IRS on Peter or do blitz against his acounts, emptying some of them overnight or if she knows a deal that's about to happen due to insider trading destroy them by making them public, doing harm to the company and so forth. Stock exchange, for example in the larger banks and broker companies, are handled mainly by super computers in which glitches can blow away hundreds of millions of dollars in instants, as happened to Knight Capital: [quote]The most recent glimpse into a frightening future occurred on August 1 when a computer glitch at Knight Capital Group Inc. in New Jersey, that handled 11% of all U.S. stock trading, was rocked by an unproven algorithm. In less than an hour, the firm’s new “program” bid for 150 stocks incorrectly and ended up holding US$7-billion worth at one point. Immediately, rival computers traded against the bids and, by the end of the day, Knight had lost US$440-million and had to seek a financial rescue.[/quote] I think it could be seen this way: GSP specializes in bringing people to success through indirect means, but the Sutherlands specialize in bringing people to ruin through indirect means. Government man: The Particulars: Finance, legal protection, indirect. Special ops: The Sutherlands: Blackmail, legal shitstorms, indirect. Tradesman: The Cahills: Generating Revenue (GSP makes money out of the money of others, they sell an actual product for real profits), underground relations, direct. Military: The Albanians: Extortion, fire power & number, direct. I think that each have their own ways of waging war and their weaknesses. (Sutherlands would probably suck against Cahills the most due to lack of compromising records of ability to reach their clients (mostly poor people with low online presence), but probably be the most efficient against the GSP since they have the most to lose, GSP would have trouble because while they have rich clients to which they make a lot of money, they have more to lose working against the Sutherlands. GSP would probably be more effective against Albanians because of their relations in high places that can be used to crack down on 'Serious Crimes', human trafficking and violence being more serious than alcohol contraband. Albanians being the bane of the Cahills in the fact that they probably wouldn't hesitate to kill people, blow their products and in general have the manpower and resources to wage a physical war, things neither Sutherland or Particulars would have.)