Freya woke up and groaned softly. She felt like she had a pounding headache.and she missed the feeling of her husband's arms around her, giving away that they were no longer in the same embrace they had fallen asleep in last night. Upon opening her eyes, she quickly learned that her soulmate wasn't lying next to her at all, nor was he anywhere to be seen, unlike last night when she had fallen asleep. She was in a vast white room with two beds: the one she was lying in, and one in which someone else was in, though the person seemed nothing more than a stranger to her. There was a window, but the blinds were shut, there was a door, a mirror and a camera. Walking over to the mirror, Freya gave herself a brief moment to examine herself, making sure nothing had changed. She was still wearing the same clothes as the day before, having been too tired yesterday, and falling asleep without bothering to change her clothes for a pajama, just like her husband. Her hair was a little messed up and uncombed from all the turning during her sleep and as usual, she wasn't wearing any make up. The last thing she noticed, was an off, black marking in her neck. Frowning, Freya tried to find out what it was, thinking. She had no tattoos at all, and neither did she ever drink alcohol, let alone getting drunk and getting a tattoo. But if it was no tattoo, than what was it? It was strange, that much was for certain.