Jouane rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Your tale is... quite unbelievable, child. Had it not been the fact that I sense no lies from you, and the fact that I've never seen nor heard both of your clothes' materials, I might have thought you delusional." He sighed and looked at the girl kindly. "The only people and place that I think might be able to help you would be The Winterhold College. But it is quite far from here and the travel itself would be quite dangerous. I think I'm right in thinking that neither of you know how to defend yourself, hm?" After sitting in silence for a few moments, Jouane looked at the long haired girl again. "May I see the book you found? There might be something there that could help." Accepting the book, Jouane started to study and read the tome with a frown, mumbling to himself. "Summon Familiar... doesn't seem different... concentrate magic... weave magic, forming.... Ah!" He suddenly exclaimed, his finger stopped at a section. "'You must open a different plane.' I'm not really sure, but I think this might be what caused the incident." He closed the book and leaned back on his seat. "He must have messed up the weave, or maybe he pushed the thread to the wrong direction... " He started mumbling again before he seemed to realize that he's still not alone. Clearing his throat in embarrassment, Jouane looked at the girl apologetically. "Forgive me, sometimes when I get too excited or intrigued by something, I forgot about what's around me." Sighing again, he tapped his finger absently on the book cover. "I'll send a message to the College to see if they can shed some light about this matter and maybe figure out how to send you both home. In the meantime though, I think the two of you better stay here. I'll ask Rorik if he'd allow one of the rooms for your use. Don't worry, Rorik is a good man if a bit grumpy." He chuckled lightly. Their conversation was stopped by a small groan from the bed. Jouane immediately set the book down and approached the waking girl, gently placing his hand on her head and rubbed her forehead lightly to help her wake up without being startled. Alexa was feeling rather comfortable. She's warm, and comfy and she'd be happy to stay like this forever. However, something was persistently pulled her away from that comforting zone, and to the more unpleasant one. As she started to wake up, Alexa couldn't help letting out a small groan at feeling her body's discomfort, she wanted to return to the comfy place, but a gentle hand on her head pulled her back to the living world quite fast. Opening her eyes blearily, Alexa tried to focus on the owner of the hand on her head. She could tell that he was an elderly even with her blurry sight. "Easy now... Your wound is healed, but your body still need to recover." A kind gentle voice soothed her. Wound? Recover? Just what... Then she remembered, the hike, the wolf, the attack and the blood that didn't seem to stop flowing... Someone... Suddenly startled awake, Alexa looked at Jouane in panic. "Veronika! Is...Is she okay? She.. She was with me... " The hand gently, but firmly, pushed her to lie back down. "She's okay, not a scratch on her." He looked to the side. Alexa followed his gaze and her frame relaxed in relief when she saw Veronika there. "I'll leave you girls alone. I'll see if I can track down Rorik and I also still need to write that letter to the College." She vaguely heard the old man said. "Don't get too tired, even if your wound is healed, you still need a lot of rest." With that parting word, the old man left them alone. Healed? Glancing down, Alexa saw that her bandaged arm was no longer bloody, in fact she didn't feel any pain from it, only light prickling sensation as if the wound is already scabbing and about to be fully healed. Putting her miraculously healed arm aside in her mind for the moment, Alexa looked at Veronika and gave her a small smile. "Hey... Glad you're okay.."