[b]Name:[/b] Serizawa Junko [b]Nickname:[/b] June [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Place of Birth:[/b] Kasukabe, Saitama, Japan [hider=Appearance][b]Appearance:[/b] [IMG]http://i40.tinypic.com/6qi14n.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [b]Occupation:[/b] College Dropout, currently earning money as a Hustler [b]Weaponry:[/b] Always carries a lighter. [b]Personal Details/History:[/b] Junko, or June as she became known to associates, was a low-achieving student throughout school, graduating by the bare minimum and by gratuitous copying of homework from friends. In high school she gained a reputation as being a [i]yanki[/i], or a delinquent due to her flagrant abuse of the no-smoking rule and getting multiple disciplinary warnings for cheating. In her final year of high school, while all her friends were preparing for college entrance exams, June floated around without so much as a care for her future, believing that if all else failed there would be a spot at her dad's restaurant for her. June didn't make it into the more competitive and prestigious colleges, but did manage to squeak by and get accepted to a rather small and unremarkable institution. She lasted half a term before just up and leaving. June found her way to Tokyo and bounced around various oddjobs, though the wages she earned was not enough to support life in Tokyo, rent for apartments was far too high. In a stroke of good fortune, the owner of a Tokyo-based bar let June work there, mostly cleaning up after the salarymen left with their ties around their head. It was here that June developed a hobby of hustling, tricking people out of money on card games or billiards and her nights after work hours were spent essentially cheating others out of money. Good with words, as required by any conman - or woman - June has a strong charisma about her, able to lie directly to someone's face with a smile and make someone believe every single word from her mouth. Not even June knows when she's telling the truth, lying has became her one great skill. Despite her youth, she acts and speaks as if she's far older than she is, .While visiting a new exhibit at a museum - stuff from the Western world was something she had a particular fondness for - she finds herself in a situation where charisma and lies might not be enough to carry her through.