Noah sat quietly at the end of the dock, legs hanging down near the water. Staring out over the water, he listened to the waves. The headphones that usually covered his ears rested around his neck, and dark circles denoted another sleepless night. Night and early morning were times of peace for Noah, for only when asleep or unconscious did the torrent of emotions every human felt fall silent. The sun was rising, though, and that time would be over. Anticipation. Excitement. Worry. The emotions hit him like a brick to the back of the head, and Noah suddenly pulled his headphones over his ears. The boat was coming, and Caroline was coming to meet it. If he didn't leave soon, the emotions would build to an almost painful level. But he had been instructed to attend the introductions, both as a test of his control and an attempt to get him to socialize more. "Good morning, Caroline," Noah says without turning his head as the gentle tones of a harp began to fill his ears and the press of the emotions receded somewhat. "The boat should be here soon. I can feel them coming."