Twix leaned back in the old wooden chair he'd dragged away from one of the more 'boistrous' patrons of the bar, from the far corner he could relax without having to worry about anyone pilfering his pockets from behind, he let the heady atmosphere of the room roll over him, the smell of smoke, alcohol and sweat, the loud ramblings of half-drunk patrons and gamblers, the tap tap tap as two men played a knife game, stabbing the table in-between their fingers. The same atmosphere could be found at almost any settlement were large numbers of humans gathered around the land, well it had been so in Twix's experience anyhow. He'd been pleasantly surprised when he hadn't immediately been challenged to a drinking contest or some other form of contest as soon as he entered, usually someone would notice his nervous glance around the room and deduce -incorrectly as it happened- that this somehow indicated a lack of card playing or knife throwing ability, whilst in-fact nothing could be farther from the truth! well apart from the drinking contest, Alcohol goes right to Twix's head, and the hangovers! Still, Twix was thirsty now and hungry, but he had the rabbits and he could eat later, he leaned forward and the chair creaked as all four legs became reacquainted with the floor. crossing the room was made more complicated by the ever moving tide of intoxicated townsmen, Twice Twix had to take a different route as chairs were pushed back or angry patrons gestured wildly. The bar had the glossy sticky look of all well used bars, as if the wood had become so imbued with alcohol over the years it could take no more, Two men stood at one end of the bar, one of them -if Twix was remembering rightly- had been playing the knife game, they both had the outsiders look, the look of someone who can survive outside the towns, it's not something obvious, it's just something in the way you hold yourself, a certain confidence that townspeople just don't have. Twix pulled up a chair closer to the other end of the bar and a dainty red haired girl who appeared to have drank too much. He caught the barman's eye as he came past and with the fear of all people who do such in a bar he ordered a glass of water, hoping no one had overheard. The barman gave him an odd look before charging him $1 and delivering the asked for water, the glass, obviously not intended for water, was well cleaned and Twix gulped down the luke-warm water with satisfaction, it had been a warm day and he'd been in danger of dehydrating.