Ebullio wanted to pull her tiny hand away from the mans grip. Now leaving her home with the white haired stranger, unsure of what lay ahead of her. Would she ever see her home again? His voice mimics gentle, maybe even caring, and like the adolescent child she is, she believes him. If mommy and pa were so willing to give her to him, it must be safe. She felt his hand leave her as her thoughts focused on her siblings and her life, then, thud. A pack was slipped over her shoulders. The straps clinging around her, attempting to will her backwards towards the ground. Ebullio stumbled, her figure now off balance by the sudden increase in weight. "Wahh!" She blurted out, falling on her backside. Gravity had won the battle this time. Her unusual purple eyes peering up just in time to see Shiloh disappear behind a tree, telling her to keep up to him. Ebullio scrambled to her feet and went as fast as her legs to could her back to his side. "Sir, where are we going?" Ebullio asked, but no reply came to her. Looking down at the ground, she kicked a small twig that lay in front of her, took a few more steps before asking again. Ebullio repeated this routine a couple more times before they had reached the clearing. Standing as upright as a the child could with the 20lb pack weighting her down, she observed the clearing. It was small, a good, decent small, perfect. The girl had been to busy letting her eyes wonder around the rim of the canopy when Shiloh had called to her. His sudden rise in volume made her jump as she dropped the pack and ran over. Her knees wobbled slightly as she knelt down to start the fire. [i]'I can do it'[/i] She thought. It was one of the many thoughts rushing over her mind as she struck the match along the box. It was to her surprise when the small stick sparked and caught a flame. Just like mommy, she put the match brush into the fire pit and watched the fire take its first breath. Her victory was a silent one. Only allowing a proud smile run across her lips. The scent of strawberries quickly turned her attention off of her victory, and she ran over and took the cup from Shiloh. "Thank you sir" She said as she took her first bite from the cup. One bite quickly turned into two, then three, then four. Until the cup was empty. Ebullio leaned back with a full belly, near the warmth of the fire and passed out.