Inadi didn't really have time to react to being picked up by the eight foot bear he had been calling his boss for the last few days. To be honest he hated when he got manhandled like that in front of people. He wasn't the most impressive physical specimen out there but the idea that he was picked up like a small bag of feathers made him feel even more inadequate. Again though, he couldn't think about that much in the middle of the moment. After being thrown into a chair between Vincent and Lesley he looked up as Mr. Cuddles began explaining his feelings about the whole situation of him leaving. While he appreciated the concern, calling him out for not being the bravest out there made him very concerned. Just what would he need to be brave about out there? He wasn't really told about what all was going to be happening to him once this person decided to show up and take him away. Was he going to be some kind of assistant to something dangerous? Join some rag tag group of heroes on some ridiculous quest to save someone? At this point, considering where he was or wasn't if you took the name of the land seriously, anything could be the case. Hell, he may even be going somewhere more ridiculous. And he was working for an eight foot top hat wearing bear here. Before he could laugh he suddenly felt the furry grip of death around him. Mr. Cuddles was a hugger. That much Inadi knew. He just hated how the bear never remembered how his strength far outweighed the necessary power needed to crush bone. Every time he was hugged by Mr. Cuddles Inadi felt pops in his spine. This time the hug was closer to his head as he felt pats from the bear's giant paws. He felt the wind in his lungs becoming strained and desperately tried to wheeze out a desperate attempt to scream. Sadly it only got worse from there. Suddenly Vince, one of the men sitting next to him, began getting pressed up from behind him. Every single bone in his body felt like it was melding with the other man's. Then Lesley became involved and it only grew worse. His chest felt like it was being crushed slowly and his ribs were simply victims of love. Too much love in this instance. [b]"Don't... don't worry about... Inadi... We'll... look after... Inadi..." [/b] As Vince began speaking Inadi could do nothing but nod at him wildly. This was the best way to get Mr. Cuddles to let go. Give him confidence. Either that or simply mention that you smelled something burning. He remembered a similar situation in which he needed to breath after one of the bear's deep hugs and mentioned that he thought a cake was burning. The bear dropped him and immediately ran for the kitchen. Inadi wished he could do that now but with the large furry arm around his neck before and with his face practically devouring the bear's chest it was impossible to speak. As Mr. Cuddles let go of him and went directly to Vince, Inadi watched with a wince as the poor boy had his spine nearly splintered like the chair that would have to be replaced. Inadi had seen that kind of scene before. “We lose more furniture that way to be honest.” Inadi whispered to Lesley as he began trying to pop his neck back into order and check to see if his lungs still worked properly. As Mr. Cuddles turned his attention back to them Inadi looked up at the bear and showed a nervous face. Another hug like that and he wouldn't be able to leave the cake shop....or walk anywhere to be honest.