"It's alright, no need to get upset. You've only been falling for about fifteen minuets. It's alright." Caroline handed her a muffin and a map and did the same for the other person. She quickly glanced at Noah, he seemed to be handling everything well enough. Turning her attention back to the newbies she grinned. "Welcome to the USO, My name is Caroline and I'm supposed to show you the ropes." Gesturing for them to follow her she continued, "You'll all find that the USO stress free environment where people like us can live. The Island is divided into three main parts, do yourself a favor and try to commit them to memory. The first part is what we call the Hub, it's the developed part of the island and where most buildings are located. The second is the rest of the island, mostly forested, there's a big clearing that we use for bonfires some times. There are trails out there, try to stick to them. The third part is a smaller island that used to be attached to the main one, I'm going to ask that you stay away from there, it's not somewhere you want to go, trust me. You'll all be staying in the dorms while houses are built to your liking. If you have any questions I'll do my best to answer but I'm not going to explain every little thing to you. I want you to figure things out for yourselves, now the stuff I gave you should help, if you need more information the center is right over there." She pointed towards a regal stone building.