Gaul Keldran hated rain, It was messy, made the roads more difficult and the water would collect in the back of his eye sockets and make an unbearable sloshing sound. He had to constantly remind himself why he was here, otherwise he'd have turned around and went back. The town of Helsann was as dismal as the sky and more empty than one of his skeletons heads. He spared a moment to survey the walls and check to see if there was any obvious weaknesses and then headed to the town hall. When he arrived he saw the other two Champions had beaten him there which didn't bother him overmuch. One of the few downsides to undeath is a loss of speed that can lead to some late introductions. As he entered the Foyer Theow asked if anyone had been to Helsaan before to which Gaul replied "I came with my old tutor a few times when the old man could be bothered to leave his tower" Gaul said as he shucked the soaked outer robe and handed to the skeleton that he had accompanying him "But if memory serves it was a little more lively in those days" he finished as he strode over to the fireplace. Gaul stared into the fire for a second as he tried to recall what it felt like to be warm but then he quickly shook the errant thought away as he gingerly pulled his skull off of his neck with a slight pop. bending over slightly Gaul turned his skull face down over the flames and shook it lightly as a stream of rainwater poured out and hissed into the fire. After getting all the liquid out of his head he placed his skull back on with another slight pop. He noticed the mortified looks some of the servants were giving him and slightly embarrassed he strode back over to his skeleton envoy and the two slunk off to the corner to await the mayor.