[center][URL=http://s1280.photobucket.com/user/RandomPhotoPlace/media/cb119116162605067e0b69e2124eaaf5c337fbec_zpsfc5d8f71.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1280.photobucket.com/albums/a493/RandomPhotoPlace/cb119116162605067e0b69e2124eaaf5c337fbec_zpsfc5d8f71.jpg[/IMG][/URL] ║Full Name║ Katsu Ankou ║Aliases║ The Masked Demon. ║Age║ Physically Appears Twenty-Six. ║Species║ Human (mostly). ║Gender║ Male. ║Physical Description║ Despite what people say of Katsu he is a rather charming and handsome looking man that always seems to have a kind, faintly crooked smile. He stands at about five feet ten inches with a slender yet muscular build. His skin is mildly tanned and without a blemish in sight. His hair is nearly shoulder length and and nearly depleted of color despite the light reflect of a dirty blonde; his hair often messily styled with his fingers. He has a sharp jaw line with perfect teeth, full lips yet perfectly sized for his face. the only thing strange about the man are his eyes. From a distance they look like a strange variation of brown but upon close inspection they are a degree of red. What most people don't know is this form is actually Katsu's Transformation magic. This is what he actually looked like several years ago before being partially consumed by his Take-over: Satan Soul magic. Having been overcome by the power of his Satan Soul it began to plague his true form, causing several scars about his figure and making his eyes shine an undoubted bloody crimson color. Dark swirling horns out from the side of his head. His hair becomes longer and dark brown. Along with this several piercings in his ears, near his lips and across his chest. Strange markings along his back and hands etched into the skin with black ink. Not wanting to be seen this way he keeps himself in a constant Transformation of what he used to look like.[/center] [hider=True form][URL=http://s1280.photobucket.com/user/RandomPhotoPlace/media/bitter_chocolate_by_kyoux-d7d45mq_zpsac0f7ba1.png.html][IMG]http://i1280.photobucket.com/albums/a493/RandomPhotoPlace/bitter_chocolate_by_kyoux-d7d45mq_zpsac0f7ba1.png[/IMG][/URL][/hider] [center]║Likes║ ✔ Fun company ✔ Eating. Lots of eating. ✔ Fishing ✔ Resting under the shade of a tree ✔ A beautiful girl ║Dislikes║ ✘ Pain (duh :P) ✘ Being hungry ✘ Loud and obnoxious behavior ✘ Getting into meaningless fights ✘ Being caught off guard ✘ People seeing his true form ║Personality║ Katsu is a rather kind and charming individual. He always thinks before he speaks and tends to always know what to say. He is rarely befuddled though when he is it takes him a bit to regain himself. Knowing the danger within himself he has learned to control his anger, not letting things bother him as they would have a few years ago. He is easy going, often a loner though doesn't protest company. He is rather simple, enjoying relaxation and good company. If you bring him food he will be a life long friend. He has a rather huge appetite though only surpassed by Natsu. ║Powers, Skills, & Talents║ Tranformation magic (Advanced) - Katsu is very skilled and powerful with his transformation magic to make himself appear and even sound like anyone he has come across or even think up on the spot. Katsu even has the capability to transform himself into creatures small or large and take on their attributes. Take- Over Magic (Satan Soul) - Katsu has the capability to let himself become taken over by a Satan soul giving him tremendous speed, strength, endurance, and stamina with this addition of flight. His Magic Power is multiplied by a terrifying degree and though he has control over this form it is a thin string keeping him together and himself. he always tries to avoid using this magic. Hand to Hand Combat - Katsu is incredibly skilled in hand to hand combat, amongst one of the best within the Fairy Tail Guild. He often uses his Magic power to boost the power of his attacks. He can combine his transformation with this to get powerful arms or legs to increase several aspects in battle.[/center] [hider=Satan Soul Belial][URL=http://s1280.photobucket.com/user/RandomPhotoPlace/media/demon-237285_zpsce163354.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1280.photobucket.com/albums/a493/RandomPhotoPlace/demon-237285_zpsce163354.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s1280.photobucket.com/user/RandomPhotoPlace/media/demon_eye_by_acjub-d54ytp4_zps376f3a03.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1280.photobucket.com/albums/a493/RandomPhotoPlace/demon_eye_by_acjub-d54ytp4_zps376f3a03.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/hider]