The Celestial World, a realm only available to Spirits, was currently peaceful for the moment. All of the Zodiac Spirits were home, none called out to battle. Plue, a favorite companion of a certain Celestial Wizard, wandered aimlessly around the Astral Plane. His clumsy nature had him stumble into the private domain of a fellow Spirit, to which he immediately apologized and shook nervously. However, the Spirit that he'd innocently invaded upon was none other than Maho, the second eldest of the Spirits. Also, a kind and compassionate woman that welcomed his company. Plue happily walked inside her crystallized house, struggling at first not to slip on the smooth floors. Maho giggled, her voice echoing like a beautiful wind chime throughout the breeze. "Welcome, little Nikora." She used his technical name, which Plue corrected politely. "Oh?" Maho blinked her thick lashes quickly, "You've been given a name by your Celestial Wizard?" Plue nodded, explaining that his master prefers to call him by another name which he finds endearing. Considering she hasn't been in the service of a Mage for centuries, hearing Plue speak so fondly of his master was unsettling for her. However, Maho was delighted to know that the sweet Nikora's key had landed in the hands of a lovely owner. Plue and Maho enjoyed an hour of conversation together until the younger Spirit was suddenly summoned through his gate. Maho watched, managing to catch a glimpse of the Wizard through the portal. She saw a woman, fairly young, with golden hair and eyes of brown. The image only lasted for a second, but Maho was curious for more information. She knew the Wizard owned Leo's key, so she decided to go and pay the Lion Spirit a visit. Hovering above the ground, locks of sliver toned hair floating in the air, Maho gently knocked on Leo's door. "It's Maho Tsukiko," she announced with a smile. "May I be permitted to come inside, Leo?"