[quote=Volk] Shh, that's my only weakness, the criticism of the anonymous peoples on the internets. [/quote] And you haven't posted your character in the damn character bin. Get to that. http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/4370/posts/ooc?page=1#post-62104 Edit: Well, thought I saw the link to the full story in the OP. Hopefully Sora will post that and I can get a refresher. [s]PLEEEEEASE?![/s] [quote=TheSovereignGrave] What exactily are planning on changing? Nothing too drastic I hope. But he's not anonymous, he's Vash! [/quote] Damn straight I'm Vash. Co-GM and proud. I won't change much in terms of story, but Shalizar's armor and Sykes' blade will be different, also I'm adding a dog companion, becasue I almost got it to work on the old RPG but things had to be changed.