Kasus lay on the roof of his foster parents merchant shop, his hands behind his head as he watched with curiosity gummi ships entering and exiting the atmosphere of Lunaris. It's a sight he's gotten used to over the years, but the gummi ships weren't exactly what caught his curiosity each time. It was where they were going, what they were carrying, who was going to buy them, why they needed them. Everyday these ships came and everyday they left, carrying all sorts of items from other worlds. It angered him in a way. These lifeless items got the opportunity to see other worlds and the mysteries they contain, but he was stuck here, working everyday as a boring trader. It was a weird feeling to envy objects but a feeling Kasus couldn't deny nonetheless. "One day," he said, a blank look on his face but adventure in his heart. "One day..." He jumped up, sliding down the roof and climbing into the window of his room. "Kasus!" Fargo called. Fargo is Kasus's foster parent, and proud owner of Lunar Goods, his shop, that is doing considerably well for itself. "Come down here Kasus!" Kasus sighed, hesitantly walking out of his room and down stairs to the shop. Lunar Goods is a 2 story building, the first floor was the shop, strictly business, and the top floor is where Kasus and Fargo live. Kasus poked his head into the shop "Kasus!" Fargo exclaimed, "There you are! I need you to deliver this box of starfruit to the port, asap!" Kasus reluctantly took the box and began to walk to the door, but quickly stopped, "Oh!" he said "Hold on!" he then ran up stairs holding the box of starfruit, barging into his room and looking around frantically, until he found his Blade of Valor, sitting on his dresser. He smiled, and walked, picking it up and clipping it to his belt. When he looked up he noticed a black like figure in an alleyway, outside of his window. Curious, he walked over to the window and opened it, but it had disappeared, or maybe was never there to begin with. He thought nothing of it. As he walked back downstairs Fargo gave him a look, "Do you really have to take that thing everywhere? You be careful, if anyone gets hurt-" Kasus interrupted "Yeah, yeah, you'll sell it cheap." he said, walking towards the door. "Don't lollygag!" Fargo shouted as Kasus ran out the front door and into the world of Lunaris. The city was always booming in this district, the buildings and shops were practically squeezed next to each other, each a different shop, each attracting different customers. Kasus awoke everyday to this business, and grew tired of always maneuvering amongst the crowd, and found it easier to walk on the roofs of all the shops, which wasn't difficult since they were all conjoined. He ran forward, launching himself off of a dumpster, and began running atop the shops towards the port. Kasus gracefully made his way through the rooftops, and immediately lost balance as an explosion rumbled the immediate area. He got up, observing the area around him, searching for the source of the explosion, and saw the WDS control center ablaze. Down below near the shops, people began to scream as small, black creatures with glowing eyes rose from the shadows. He jumped off the roof, landing on his feet, dropping the box of starfruit and grabbing his Blade of Valor. He had never seen anything like these creatures before, but as he saw them tormenting the people of Lunaris, he knew they had to be stopped. A group of 5 emerged, surrounding him. Kasus dashed towards one, slicing it in half causing it to vanish. The rest sprinted towards him, one by one Kasus sliced and kicked, and one by one they vanished, only to be replaced by more. The district was small, surrounded by buildings, if enough of these things appeared they could overwhelm him, he was doomed here. Kasus grabbed the box of starfruit and began running through the district, slaying any of the creatures that attacked or came within range.