All nations go here: [hider=Map][img=] [/hider] Nation Name: Flag: Region/color on map: Capital: Capital Population: Other Major Settlements: Population: (max 10,000,000) Racial demographics: Social dynamics: (What is respectable, how do people re-act to certain things, etc) Fashion: Calendar: (Any major celebrations or important dates?) Art: Law: Education: Type of Government: Influence and relations: (Any alliances or military pacts?) Important People: Trading and tax: Major industries: Major Associations: Currency: Military - (Details of amounts and types of soldiers. Any war vessels, siege machines or other military constructs go here as well) Landscape: Wildlife: Notable places: (Optional) Summary: (Optional) History: (Optional) Strengths: Weaknesses: ----- Name: Classification: (Animal? NPC? Or Sentient?) Appearance: Shared traits: Natural abilities: Lifespan: Relations with other races: History: (Optional) Lanuages: Religious beliefs: Preferred occupations: Famous people: Strengths: Weaknesses: ----- Temporary changes: (Anything gained by trade, hired Mercenries and the like) Edit Log: Be sure to say what has been edited and what has been added/changed. It's not necessary to say something like "fixed spelling errors" or the like Current Status: (Pending acceptance? Accepted? Peace? War? State of emergency?)