[quote=Nightrunner] Resting on my hands and knees, I began to sample different aspects of the crime scene. My samples included both a small section of the carpeting, and a short segment of the 'memory-fiber'. When I pocketed those, Bruce concluded his own analysis and announced that further investigation of his particular lead could only be found at home base.As useful as a partial print would be, a more personal touch might be useful from the 'perp'. So, I placed myself directly in the area where the illusion of the woman had been, and I looked for a spot that could have presented her image completely uninterrupted. Considering her walk, there were only a few angles that could display that image. So, placing myself in 'her' footsteps, I strolled through the museum, looking upward the entire time. I ran through this several times before I used a flashlight."Batman," I whisper-shouted. "I've found it." With a mere four minutes remaining before the guard should've cycled back to our location, I spotted the projector, mounted upon the ceiling. "I see it!" [/quote] "Take it," I said as I tossed Dick a multi-tool from my belt. "We can't do a thorough analysis of it at the moment. We can examine it in the bunker." Dick went to work while I prepped the security system to reactivate. He had the projector off the mounting in under a minute, and thirty seconds later we disappeared over the side of the roof as Wayne Tech cameras and alarms kicked back on. The two of us navigated over the roofs in silence until we finally got far enough away from the museum to speak. "I have to be somewhere," I said while Dick tucked the evidence into his belt. "I'm looking into some potential ROC gangsters tonight, so I have a lot of my plate. You know the passwords to the bunker's computer systems, see what you can find on what we got back there. If you need help, call Alfred and see if he'll assist you." I looked at the young man before me. The kid who wouldn't take no for an answer, the kid I told to go home before he got himself hurt. He still has some progress to make, like I do as well, but he's well on the way to being a competent crime fighter in his own right. "Good luck, Robin. I'll be in touch."