It seemed that human scientists had odder tastes for their virtual avatars than did programmers. Averus wasn't exactly sure why this particular scientist decided to take such a...contrary appearance in consideration to his tone. Really, it was an eccentric and frankly useless design. Why would you design an avatar to have three eyes if they were all going to be placed in the same location? For better depth perception? Yep, definitely a useless, pointless design. Then again, he was probably only this critical due to the fact that he's pretty much seen every single design for champions, and yet, he has yet to see anything as...pointless as this one. Maybe it had lasers though. Laser eyes for surgical cutting. Not exactly listening to what the scientist was saying, Averus instead paid attention to this new AI in front of him. Much more dreary and emotionless than even the most badly-programmed champion, but that was to be expect. If he was a scientist tasked with creating an AI that had the potential to do things on a universal level, he wouldn't want to give her irrational things such as emotions either. Tightening his scarf around his neck, which had reached down to the middle of his back, the blue-haired 'young' man then focused on his 'teammates' for this Research mission. Beringer, the information thief, Koemi, the crow woman, and Ulyssess, the... Fuck. Why the hell is Ulysses here? Averus made a very, very, very visible grimace as he watched the infantile harbinger of destruction make his stupidity terribly obvious. Sure, Ulysses was someone that he would have loved to party with if they were doing something like SET EVERYTHING ON FIRE, but a research mission, in which they were to essentially go out on a date with an all-powerful would be terrible if she learned ANYTHING from Mr. Hammerjustice. God knows that Agar Mythos didn't need another trigger happy pyromaniac roaming the streets, nuking everything ded. Koemi's question, was, thankfully, less mind-shatteringly idiotic. [b]“Patience, Ulysses. This seems to be shaping up to be a Protection mission as well, so you'll probably have your fun making things explode and doing millions in collateral damage soon. That being said, I realize that you want her to gain new experiences, but out of curiosity, is she programmed to have emotions? Or is she simply a bottom-up AI that has yet to learn anything outside of the basics of speech?”[/b]