Metal pistons hissed and creaked as the Reichsritter's main cluster of sensors swung back and forth, creating a detailed picture of the varied units that were apparently gathering like a moth to a flame. Deep inside the machine's heart, Jonathan leaned away from his controls, sighing deeply at the newest additions. [i]Not one fucking day. Not one fucking day without something. Not even one[/i] He maneuvered the heavy machine into a slump, letting it stalk thunderously over the metal piles as it chose to lead the way to Haven. As it walked, he opened up the comms channel to the Moloch, cutting all of the external speakers as to cut out unwanted listeners. "Look, August, I only know one of these fucks and that's the asshole who's mecha relies on an unstable reactor for its primary mode of assault. He's called Pony, he belongs to a man named Padama." The comms switched over to Pony's mecha. The next words were filled with as much tired venom as Jonathan could muster. "What the hell are you doing, Pony? There's no reason for your sorry ass to be near me as of right now. There's a reason I fucking drink away from the hanger."