Silvia raised an eyebrow at the man, judging whether she could trust the man at his word or not. He seemed distracted or tired, not quite sure of some of the information he was supposed to be giving them. She shrugged and figured he had given her enough to get by. "Inspiring speech, it truly was. Now this person we are supposed to meet. The one with red hair whose name you can't remember? Do we have to go find her immediately or do we have time to stretch our legs and explore a bit first?" Personally she had been hoping for a bit of down time before getting to work, boat rides made her uncomfortable and stressed her out. Either way she was excited to get to work, but a few moments to themselves couldn't possibly hurt. She thought over the list of gear they were to receive and fought off a shiver, heavy duty gear for a harsh environment. [I]It'll work out.[/I]