Lucien looked distinctly bothered by the idea of Cassie and Hassle together. In her current state, the overly suave man might well take advantage of her and confuse things even further. He wanted to protest right then and there that whomever Cassie stayed with, it sure as hell should't be Hassle! Actually, what he really wanted to do was punch the asshole in the mouth. Only the way Toni was grinning, Lucien knew all too well whose side he would jump in on if Lucien started a fight then and there. Even if he thought he could take them both on a good day, he was simply too beaten and exhausted today and he knew it. Besides which, he was the one who had spoken up for Cassie, allowing her to chose where she might go. He couldn't very well deny her who she might go with. All he could do was to give her a pleading look and a small shake of his head, giving a sidelong glance at Hassle so she would know exactly what he meant. Uncle spoke up before things could get any further. "Yes, well. As generous as all the assorted offers have been so far, I would rather not our lost little lamb become too distracted all at once. Each of you have your own agenda in this, yes, even you Toni, and I would prefer to give Cassie time to grow into her recovered home. Sharing quarters with any of you will cause what I shall delicately refer to as 'dissension in the ranks.' We've had quite enough of that as it is, thank you. Cassie, you may have your own quarters back, if you want them. Your brother can procure anything you might be lacking as far as clothing and bedding. Your chaperone I will assign to you. It is someone without an ax to grind but still has a vested interest in your well being: your nephew. Jacob, should have some time alone with his aunt anyway." He held up both hands to forestall the oncoming rush of protests from all parties, save Lucien who stood close to Cassie with his hand still warm upon her shoulder. Uncle continued in a firm voice that brooked no argument. "No one in the Colony is crazed enough to attack her in front of a child, as we all know how precious children are to us given the current population and circumstances. No one would risk the chance of him getting hurt. Jacob has also endeared himself to practically everyone in the Colony anyway, which adds to their mutual protection. Even should someone be made enough to try, Cassie has demonstrated already an instinctive urge to protect her nephew. He can help teach her again how to be fully human, help her regain what parts of her humanity she may have lost while at the same time loving her unconditionally without pressure from... outside sources. This is not a test. This is not negotiable. Cassie and Jacob will quarter together for the immediate future." "I thought we were going to give her a choice," Lucien snarled hotly. "To let her decide on her own, whether any of us like it or not." Uncle gave an impressing 'harumph'. "Well, I'm glad you 'thought' that, Lucien. But I said nothing of the sort. I merely said she could have her liberty within the caves on the condition of someone to watch over her and help her readjust. It was you who put forth the idea of 'choice', not me. But since you seem so insistent on the idea, let me ask her." Turning towards the Cyborg, he raised an eyebrow. "Cassie? Would you prefer to stay in the labs with Liana, free but without much privacy? Or would you prefer to return to your own nesting hollow with your nephew as your guide and your charge?"