Alexa suppressed her amusement at seeing Veronika fidgeting. That simple act of nervousness seem to make her more ... down to earth. Then again, she supposed that anyone who faced shocking experiences like they did would be inevitable to have some changes, hopefully towards positive ones. She listened quietly as Veronika spoke softly, telling her that someone named Jouane, she guessed it to be the old man before, healed her arm and that they're safe. Normally, she'd have replied with something and get a small talk going to push away the awkwardness, unfortunately she's still a bit sluggish and couldn't really think of anything to talk about. So, she settled on just listening for now, and secretly enjoyed listening to Veronika speaking without her usual whines and complaints. Upon hearing about the stew and bread, Veronika's stomach made itself known. Loudly. Blushing brightly in embarrassment, Alexa pushed herself up to a sitting position while holding her stomach. "Sorry about that..." She chuckled sheepishly and took the bowl of stew. The tantalizing smell of the stew caused her mouth to water and her stomach growling again. With all the excitement, she didn't realize how hungry she was until she was faced with food. She ate the stew and bread as fast as she could in polite manner. Well, polite for a commoner anyway, she definitely not going to be mistaken as a royalty anytime soon. Alexa paused in the middle of eating when she heard the last part of Veronika's soft words. This is the first time since they met that she ever heard (that she could understand anyway) Veronika said anything in concern about her. It gave her a pleasant warm feeling in her chest that seem to spread out in her body, warming her much better than the bowl of stew she just polished off. Looking back at Veronika, Alexa smiled happily. "Thank you, Veronika. And you're welcome. After all, what are friends for?"