The sudden beeping of the computer awoke a mysterious warrior. “T-minus ten minutes to landing. Repeat, T-minus ten minutes to landing.” Spoke a computerized voice. “Destination, Earth.” The figure couldn’t help but smirk at this news. This mission was a long time coming after all, and how monumental was it that they were chosen to enact it? Goosebumps could be seen on the ivory skin of the strange traveler. “Soon…” Mouthed purple coated lips, and eyes of the same color gleamed with a foreboding hunger. At breakneck speed, a spherical object rained down from the heavens onto the unsuspecting soil of earth. It left a large crater in its wake, leaving an unnatural eyesore in the desert terrain it now inhabited. With a puff of smoke the space-pod opened, and out stepped a woman not from this world. This person was tall, probably around 6 feet in height. They possessed a thin frame, although toned. Flowing locks of straight dirty-blond hair fell to the purple battle armor that they wore. She possessed pale porcelain skin only dirtied by the freckles that dotted her face and upper body, although the most unusual thing about this girl was the fact that she had four arms, one set right below the other. The woman casually floated up into the air as if it were normal occurrence to them in order to survey the landscape. “I guess the stories are true, Earth really is a worthless dust-ball.” She murmured.