Matt winced. The side of his head was pounding. He opened his eyes slowly and found himself staring at a white ceiling. He blinked slowly, waiting for his room to come into focus. It didn't. He turned his head to check the alarm clock on his nightstand and noticed that both were missing, as well as the carpet and floor. He blinked again, squinting against light that seemed to be coming from everywhere. It was like someone had run an eraser over his entire room. White walls, white ceiling, white floor, white camera. Camera? Matt forced himself into a sitting position and shook his head, trying to remember what had happened last. Late night of studying for exams. An energy drink. A short walk to get his blood flowing. He scowled. What had happened after the walk? And why did his head hurt? "Man, what was in that energy drink?" he mumbled, twisting to the side and leaning over his bed. He looked up again to see if there really was a camera and noticed a woman. He jumped up in shock, immediately regretting it and grabbing his head. "Rgh...wha...who are you?" he grunted, leaning back against the nearest wall and rubbing his head carefully.