"How about 'bugger off'?" The fist came flying out of nowhere to crack Hassle across the side of the head. Uncle stood there, looking very much annoyed as he glared at the boy. He shook his hand loosely, the boy's head having been harder than he thought. "I knew one of you was going to try something," he growled. "I thought it was going to be Toni, actually, but I shouldn't be too surprised at any of you, I guess. Pony's the only one with enough sense to listen to me and understand what I mean half the time." Uncle glowered at Hassle beneath thick eyebrow, his eyes narrowed. "Get back to your nest, Hassle. Let Cassie get her rest and get settled before any of you start whispering sweet nonsense into her ear." Uncle was old, yes, but he was fast and strong. Quarreling with him was no one's idea of a good time, and while he preferred verbal debates using logic and rhetoric, he certainly never shied away from settling things physically when he thought the situation demanded it. Thankfully, it wasn't very often he felt he had to. Today, however, had been a rather unusual day for everyone. He stood there, powerful and commanding, until Hassle finally relented. Only then did he turn to Cassie with a solemn expression on his face. "Some advice? Don't trust any of them." Then he grinned brightly. "Including me for that matter." Whistling, he strolled away back down the hall towards the lab. Unseen, a slight figure slipped from one shadow to another and then down the tunnel to nesting hollow further along...