Yobi was still frustrated about the fog, but it wouldn't do to change tactics now. Even after her performance earlier, she was sure Desna now despised her. She had done something to displease her at some point since then, and now she was to suffer for it. She made a promise to herself that she would find some way to atone for whatever it was later, but for now, she wanted to do her best to handle the goblins. She ran in the direction of their direction and when she was near enough to see one, fired her arrow. [hider=Actions]Move left 5, down-left diagonal 5 Fire another arrow at the nearest goblin [url=http://orokos.com/roll/180047]Attack Roll (12)[/url] Seriously, I really should just give up at this point. Unless this is the least effective goblin ever, in the same way she's the least effective archer ever, and I'm the least effective die-roller ever.[/hider]