Cassie didn't know how to react. She was so confused. So stunned. So afraid. But not afraid of this man. No, if he tried to harm her, she could most likely fight him off. Maybe. But, what she was truly afraid of was his words. If the words he spoke were true or not. They did make sense to her. And that was what hurt. She was so vulnerable right now in her confused and hurt state. He seemed to know just how to get to her. For a moment she wondered what else he might say or do. But, thankfully she didn't have to find out because a fist collided with the young man's head, making him fall back. Hassle scrambled to his feet, ready to throw a punch, expecting either Lucien, or maybe even Toni, but when he saw it was Uncle, gave up on trying to start a fight real quick. He growled under his breath and did as the man turning, mumbling something about a 'crazy old bat' and 'always getting in the way' before he disappeared around the corner, going toward his own nest a few halls down. When the man was gone, she looked over at Uncle and his words confused her more. He was saying to not trust anyone. Not even him. But, if she was expected to get her memories back....if she was to become a part of this Colony again, how could she not trust the people here? It was hard to think about. This had been a long and draining day. Maybe if she got some sleep it would be better for her to think about all of this in the morning. She watched as Uncle strolled off, whistling a tune as he did, and she stood there for a long moment before she slowly made her way back into her room. She stood there against the wall next to her doorway for a moment, before her mind began to wander back to what Hassle had said, and once again, her whole body began to wrack with the emotional hurt she felt by his words. Lucien sharing a bed with another woman at the moment was almost too much to think about. Before she knew it she felt sobs escaping her and she had to cover her mouth to stifle them so she wouldn't wake the child in the pallet of blankets up, hot tears running down her cheeks. She didn't know how long she stayed there crying for. It was a long time though. After a long while, when she managed to get a hold of herself, she crawled over to her pallet and moved to lay under the covers, only silently crying now, tears still escaping her eyes as she slowly drifted off to sleep. ...... "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" Cassie groaned slightly as she covered her head up with a blanket even more, her little nephew laughing with glee as he bounced up and down on her back, "Jacob, it is too early. I may not be human but I still require sleep." "But you've had enough sleep. Momma says if people sleep in too late they get lazy! Besides we'll miss breakfast soon if you don't get up! I can't go without you!" Sighing heavily, Cassie slowly sat up and nodded, rubbing her eyes, "Okay. I'm up." She was practically dragged out of the room and down the hall by the young boy, straight to the makeshift dining hall, the boy happy as can be to have his aunt back, despite the stares people gave them.