[b] [u] Ulysses HAMMERJUSTICE [/u] [/b] Ulysses wasn't really aware of what anyone was really saying, seeing as he tended to tune out sentences that didn't have words like EXPLOSION in them. Although he was sure the blue haired guy had said something to him. Maybe. Probably not important. Oh, there was the crow lady! He hadn't seen her yet. Well, he'd seen her before but he hadn't seen her [i]here[/i] before. There was that one time these crows were following him around, and he caught one and named it tom, fed it cheeseburgers. She didn't like that. In any event, he was getting a bit worried, and not because the creepy robot guy was being creepy, but because he might have ended up on another one of those missions where he didn't actually shoot anything. If anything, a repeat of that last mission where he had to sneak into a factory of some kind was not acceptable. Taking a swig of his coke, he noticed something; the creepy girl was still here. [b]"So, uhh, why's she here?"[/b] He asked.