[center][img=http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo63/NMShape/coollogo_com-123147_zpsbb30635c.png][/center] [center][b]Christopher Arthur III[/b][/center] [center][b]Six Months Ago[/b][/center] Veronica furtively peeled open the front door of her and Chris’ mansion. Even though she had already entered the fail-safe password so that she would not set off the intruder alarm, she still made sure she did not make a single sound, not wanting to wake Chris up. For it was already 3 o’ clock in the morning. Veronica had thought she had succeeded at escaping Chris’ notice as she was sneaking up the main stairwell, until she heard Chris’ voice at the foot of the staircase. The lights downstairs suddenly emitted their light, driving away the darkness that had shrouded the room seconds ago. “Why the hell were you out past midnight? It’s a freaking school night for God’s sake.” Veronica just ignored him and continued up the stairwell. Chris commanded her to stop at once and explain herself. This time, she actually stopped to give Chris a response. “You’re not my freaking parents.” “I know that I am not our father, but I am your legal guardian.” Suddenly, a robotic arm appeared out of the staircase and grasped Veronica’s leg. She frantically tried to free herself, but only in vain. By that time, Chris had already walked all the way up the stairs at the spot where she was standing, holding a small device in his hand. He grabbed Veronica’s arm and pressed the device against it, injecting something into her arm. “WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST DO?” Veronica yelled at her half-brother. “I just injected you with a nano-tracker. Now I will know where you are at 3 o’ clock in the morning.” Chris said calmly. He then turned around and descended down the staircase, wishing his half-sister good night. “CHRIS, YOU’RE A [slur of curses not suitable for this forum]!” --- [center][b]Present Day[/b][/center] Chris departed from the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. Since Chris was an enthusiast of the ancient world, especially ancient Greece, he was a major donor to the museum. With his funds, the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts had been able to expand their collections (especially the collections dealing with the ancient world). That night had just been the Grand Opening of their new collections, and Chris, being one of the major donors, was invited to come. One of the new displays contained three ancient rings that had been discovered in the archaeological digs that Chris also supported. While the museum did not own these rings, as they were loaned to them because it is illegal to take away artifacts from a country, the museum still proudly displayed them. Now, these rings were surprisingly still in good condition, even though they originated from ancient Greece a few thousand years ago. While the colors on the rings had worn off, they still had images stamped on ring itself. One had an owl, another had a hammer, and the last had a thunderbolt. “Mr. Arthur.” Chris heard a feminine voice behind him. He remembered the voice, but could not place a name to the voice. The woman was of above average height, had titanium blonde hair and gray eyes. She appeared to be in her mid-thirties. She was dressed in business attire (including a long skirt) and was wearing a thin pair of glasses. “Oh, Ms., um, Minnie, no, that’s not right.” Chris stumbled over himself trying to remember her name. “Minerva” she replied, a little agitation showing in her voice. “Yes, yes, Ms. Minerva, how silly of me to forget your name. At least I knew that it began with an ‘M’.” “I would have thought you would have learned it by now. I have been working as your secretary for over a year now.” Ms. Minerva rebuked Chris for his forgetfulness. “I do hope this ‘forgetfulness’ has nothing to do with your shameful dating practices.” “Oh come on! I might not be the most, well, committed man ever, but you can’t be that hard on me. I’m sure you have had some eventful nights of your own.” However, Chris only got an angry stare from Minerva for his comments, “No maybe not. But let’s get off that subject. What’s brings you out here?” “You missed your morning appointment.” “Oh, you are so right.” Chris said, “With the guy who wanted to talk about the new rings that we just found. What’s his name. I know it starts with a ‘V’. Don’t say it, Minerva, I’m warning you.” “Mr. Volchko?” She said, ignoring his plead. At that same moment, Chris had covered both of his ears with his hands. “Mr. Volchko. See, I remembered.” Minerva just shook her head, knowing that he probably still heard her in spite of him having his hands over his ears. “Anyways, he’s here now to talk.” A nicely dressed man approached from behind Minerva. He was of average height, although he was extremely bulky. He face was covered with a grizzly beard and his right eye was covered by a monocle. In his arm was a cane and as he walked, it was evident that he had a limp. “Mr. Arthur, it is a pleasure to finely meet you.” “Mr. Volchko. I apologize for missing our last appointment. I had a crazy day yesterday and didn’t get much sleep last night.” Suddenly Chris’ cell phone started to vibrate. Chris apologized for the interruption and pulled out his phone. The phone’s screen had turned red and read the following: “Code Red”. Chris wondered what could possibly be going on back at home that was so important. Then the following appeared on the phone: “Important: Return home ASAP”. “I am so sorry, but I am getting a Code Red signal from my house and if that happens, something serious must be happening, like my house is on fire or under siege or someone accidently trips the security alarms. Mr. Volchko, I am so sorry. Just talk to Minerva here and she’ll make another appointment.” “Well, I will see you next time, whenever next time is.” Mr. Volchko said, holding out his hand to shake hands with Chris. Chris took his hand, and then Mr. Volchko placed his other hand on top of Chris’ hand so that Chris’ hand was encased in it. Chris felt a small burning sensation on his hand, but he ignored it and hastened towards his limousine. “George, talk to me. What’s the problem this time? I just had to leave an appointment that was supposed to be a make-up appointment for one I missed earlier this morning.” Chris said into his cell phone after he was seated in the limousine and heading back toward his mansion. “Sir, there was a Meta-Human attack on the mansion. Somehow how it bypassed our censors that would have picked up any Meta-Human markers or tracers. However, we have found some hairs and skin samples left behind so that we can add them to the scanners.” “So, what’s the damage?” “Well,” George started, pausing so that he could decide how he should begin. “There is some major damage at the entrance and some damage inside the mansion, but nothing happened to your lab down in the basement.” “So, couldn’t this have waited until I got back? Nothing happened to the armors, so what’s the problem.” “Um, well, I don’t know how to say this, but Veronica was kidnapped by the Meta-Human.” “WHAT? Why the hell would it want her?” “I have no clue, Master Arthur.” Chris immediately activated a miniature holo-screen in the limousine and loaded the tracking system program. “Why the hell would it take Veronica into the middle of nowhere in West Virginia?” “Your guess would be as good as mine, Master Arthur.” “Well, George, contact the engineers and tell them to prep the Daedalos Mk. V armor. Hell hath no fury like when I am scorned.” “Sir, isn’t it ‘Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned’?” “Well, since I am not a woman, my wrath would have to do.”