[i]"The young man gently brushed his dirty blonde hair behind his ear.... 'It's Andy.' He said. 'Andy Mitchell.'" [/i] Ki read aloud to herself, closing the book. It was only the fourth time she had read it through- this week. She didn't want to feel like she was wasting money on books, and yet, she spent most of her idle time when alone lost in their worlds of fantasy, science fiction - and whatever else she could get her hands on. "Why must I loathe for social interaction, so much? It's quite a nuisance, really." She complained to the window of a book store in front of her. Tapping the window, a bright list of books in the store were brought up into her field of view. Satisfied, she walked inside, buying the last novel of her current series, handing the previous book to someone on the way out. Before she was even on the transit, she was already on page twenty, and then page fifty by the time she was stepping off, walking towards her destination. She put her bookmark in her book as she stepped into the mall, storing it away inside of her jacket. She looked around, doing a complete spin before going down the escalators. In the few moments she was on the escalators, she had already set up a TrakLink to her sister, a green pulsating arrow on the corner of her vision, pointing her in the right direction. [i]What did that eh.. Zade ish guy say? Something about a cafe? There have to be hundreds of cafes here.[/i] And, in no time, she was already lost. The traklink was malfunctioning, not moving up or down on her vision, instead just staying on the right side of her vision, even after turning in a full circle. Ki terminated the link, downloading a public map of the mall in seconds. Her sister was painted on the map in green, and so Ki navigated her way through the crowds, occasionally stopping to make idle chatter. The day had gone by reasonably well, the last book in the series was hers, as she had grabbed the last copy just before someone else got to it. She was ready to fight something, and that would come soon enough - and the aspect of pay, on top of that, made her optimism shoot through the roof. And so, she sat next to Mai on the bench, pulling out her book and going to page 67.