[quote=PinkFlower] Soryr was trying to explain it but failed.You're character doesn't have a weakspot, she can fight ranged elee, heavily armorerd alike.Were as my character is designed to kill the heavily armored because of her blows coming strong and few often making armor invaluable since it won't block the majority.. As were a archer would struggle because it'd just bounce off the heavily armorered characters weapon. While my character would struggle with a archer at first because she doesn't know how to trap or dodge a archer right.Were as your character.... ranged extend the sword, armored use flames, usually spell blades like her give up something to have the sheer effort it takes to properly defend yourself against them.EVery character should eventually figure out how to work past there weak spot. For example mine could bring a bit of blinding bombs being able to use her blindness to her advantage since ranged characters have to focus to be able to shoot right.You're characters is eqaully agile as they are strong, and defended is my problem. [/quote] Nowhere in the skills or abilities does she have spells that increase her damage/defense, the extension of her sword allows her to switch from a melee stand point to a ranged, but is limited to 10 ft. An arched most likely isn't going to be within 10 ft of their opponent, i understand that there is no specific weakness but there are circumstances in which she'll be at a disadvantage which is by definition a weakness.