[center][b]DATA CORRUPTED... CANNOT ACCESS INTERNAL INFORMATION[/b][/center] Confusion, and mild irritation became clear on the AIs features as the thick bolded letters hovered above the mission board. While the words were only visible to Vydia's eyes, the missions corrupted information was clear for any Champion to see. AM Maintenance Crew had warned all AI security to be on the look out for glitches, or faults in the new worlds. However it had been months since anything odd had occurred in Aurora, so as the woman read over the obscure mission statement once again she couldn't help but feel her interest and suspicion spark. Noticing three other names highlighted in the player section, Vydia raised her hand to the mission bored and signed her name for participation. Before she reported this maintenance, the AI wanted more intel of what was really going on. Arriving at the Aurora Hub deck, Vydia's eyes widened as she noticed the lack of Champions. Walking silently into the desolated area, her eyes quickly fell upon a single, exotic looking AI leaning against the wall. Standing at a measly 5'3", the other woman towered above her as her intimidating gaze hardly broke through Vydia's bland expression. Assuming the other woman was here for the Event Horizon Mission, Vydia gave a polite nod to her soon-to-be teammate before her attention was pulled back to the elevator as two other Champions arrived. Greeting the other two with the same nod, the woman decided to investigate a little more before their mission was issued to them. Stepping away from the other three, she stood beside the windows before getting to work. Raising the palm of her left hand up, the stitches along her arm glowed a dull white as her ACL was activated. A small transparent screen hovered above her palm as she skimmed through the data uploaded on it. [center][b]AURORA HUB DECK[/b]: [i]4 Entities[/i] [b]AREA[/b]: [i]Unrestricted[/i][/center] Her eyebrows furrowed in heavy suspicion as she locked onto the small bit of information. This posed a red flag in the AIs mind. Despite the Aurora update being relatively new, along with the area being marked unrestricted as well, Vydia couldn't help but wonder what was really going on. Hesitant to issue her concern with maintenance, a deep voice cut through the unsettling silence, forcing her attention up from the data to the source of the noise. Quickly deactivating her ACL, the screen disappeared once her stitches returned to the normal black color. Taking a spot beside the other Champions her eyes sat along unfamiliar AI as he began to fill them in on the Event Horizon Mission. "[i]The corrupted information was quite intentional, you see. This is not a mission issued by a human or corporation, but by a fellow AI. It is off the record, so to speak, so I advise you maintain that everything discussed here and thereafter remain a tight secret.[/i]" A second red flag rose in her mind now, despite this, Vydia kept her mouth shut and her expression just as neutral as the man. As he finished his words and brought forth the item they were to deliver, the woman eyed the odd black box before casting her gaze to both of her teammates. Taking a calm step forward, she raised her hand, and gave a curt nod before gently taking the cube from his hand. "Understood." Taking her place beside the other women once again, Vydia's kept her gaze fixed on the unknown AI as she tucked the box beneath her arm. Deciding to try to get more information out of the man, Vydia spoke up in questionable tone, "Will we be faced with any opposition on our way to Nihon?"